Propellerhead Reason - 4.0 Instrukcja Operacji

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Strona 2

COMMON OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS 8 About this manual This is the Reason Operation manual, where all aspects of the program is described in detail. The

Strona 3 - Table of Contents

THE REGROOVE MIXER98IntroductionThe ReGroove Mixer combines all the benefits of quantization, shuffle, and groove templates into a single integrated e


THE REGROOVE MIXER99Anchor PointNormally, all groove patterns start at Bar 1 and repeat themselves throughout a song. For example, a 4-bar groove patt

Strona 5

THE REGROOVE MIXER100Groove Patch NameThis shows the name of the groove patch currently loaded into the channel. If no groove patch is loaded, then no

Strona 6

THE REGROOVE MIXER101Groove AmountUse this fader to adjust how intensely the selected groove patch will modify your notes. At 0%, the groove patch wil

Strona 7

THE REGROOVE MIXER102Groove SettingsA groove patch consists of a groove template, which contains timing and dynamics in-formation extracted from a per

Strona 8

THE REGROOVE MIXER103Velocity ImpactThis determines the extent to which velocity information embedded in the groove tem-plate affects the velocity of

Strona 9

THE REGROOVE MIXER104Working with groovesApplying grooves to your musicFollow this example to learn basic ReGroove mixing techniques and hear the effe

Strona 10

THE REGROOVE MIXER1057. Turn the Slide knob back to its middle position (0 Ticks), then click the chan-nel's Browse button and navigate to the Gr

Strona 11 - Tool Tips

THE REGROOVE MIXER106Creating your own ReGroove patchesTo create your own ReGroove Patch, proceed as follows.1. Create a clip containing notes with th

Strona 12 - Context menus

THE REGROOVE MIXER107The ReGroove patches in the Factory Sound BankReason ships with a ready-made assortment of groove patches, arranged in a number o

Strona 13 - Window Techniques

COMMON OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS 9 Multi Mode Selectors Some parameters allow you to select one of several modes. There are two different graphical rep

Strona 15

7D Remote - Playing and controlling Reason devices

Strona 16

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES110About the various MIDI inputsThis chapter describes how you use Remote to set up your master keyboar

Strona 17 - D Audio basics

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES1116. An image of the selected control surface model is shown, often along with some information text -

Strona 18 - How Reason communicates

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES112Other functionsD To edit a surface, double click it in the list (or select it and click Edit).This l

Strona 19 - Importing audio

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES113The “Control Surface Details” document contains some information about the stan-dard mappings of the

Strona 20 - General Information

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES1142. Pull down the Surface pop-up from at the top of the dialog and select the control surface device

Strona 21 - Reducing latency

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES115Remote Override Remote Override allows you to map parameters and functions to controls on your contr

Strona 22 - Mac Specific Information

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES116D Or you can activate “Learn From Control Surface Input” and simply move (or press) the control you

Strona 23 - D Sounds, Devices and Patches

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES117Additional Remote Overrides...On the Options menu there is an item named “Additional Remote Override

Strona 24 - Rack device procedures

COMMON OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS 10 Context menus Context menus are “tailored” to contain the relevant menu items only, allowing you to work quicker an

Strona 25 - Reordering devices

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES118Keyboard ControlAssigning keyboard remote commands does not involve MIDI, so there is no special set

Strona 26 - Cut, Copy and Paste

REMOTE - PLAYING AND CONTROLLING REASON DEVICES119Saving Remote SetupsThere’s no need to save MIDI Remote mapping as the Standard Remote mapping for e

Strona 27 - Folding and unfolding devices


Strona 28 - A Quick Note on Routing

8D Advanced MIDI - the External Control Bus inputs

Strona 29 - Manual Routing

ADVANCED MIDI - THE EXTERNAL CONTROL BUS INPUTS122About the External Control Bus inputsThe External Control Bus inputs allow you to send MIDI directly

Strona 30 - Disconnecting Devices

9D Using Reason as a ReWire Slave

Strona 31 - About patches

USING REASON AS A REWIRE SLAVE124About this ChapterThis chapter describes how to use Reason as a ReWire slave, that is with Reason de-livering audio t

Strona 32 - Saving Patches

USING REASON AS A REWIRE SLAVE125Launching and QuittingWhen using Rewire, the launch and quit order is very important:Launching for normal use with Re

Strona 33 - Initializing Patches

USING REASON AS A REWIRE SLAVE126Routing AudioPreparations in ReasonWhen you route audio from Reason to a ReWire host application, you make use of the

Strona 34 - About ReFills

USING REASON AS A REWIRE SLAVE127Converting ReWire Channels to Audio TracksMost often, there is no need to convert individual ReWire channels to regul

Strona 35 - Using the Browser

COMMON OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS 11 About Multiple Undos The concept of multiple undos may require an explanation: You can undo up to 30 ac-tions, or i

Strona 36 - Browser elements


Strona 38 - Navigating in the Browser

SYNCHRONIZATION130ReWire users – Read This!This chapter is about synchronization via MIDI Clock, and does not apply to users of ReWire. If you are usi

Strona 39 - Selecting multiple files

SYNCHRONIZATION131Slaving Reason to Another Program on the Same Computer! The preferred method for synchronizing two applications is by using Re-Wire,

Strona 40 - Cross-browsing patch files

SYNCHRONIZATION132About the beginning of the SongDue to the latency phenomenon, described on page 18, Reason needs some time to correct it’s playback

Strona 42 - Using Favorites

SONG FILE HANDLING134About Self-contained SongsThe song is the main file format in Reason. A song contains the device setup and all settings in the ra

Strona 43 - Handling Missing Sounds

SONG FILE HANDLING135Song InformationSelecting the Song Information item on the File menu opens a dialog in which you can supply various information a

Strona 44 - The Missing Sounds dialog

SONG FILE HANDLING136Saving a SongTo save a song, proceed as follows:1. Set up the self-contained settings as desired (see the previous page).2. Pull

Strona 45

SONG FILE HANDLING1371. Select New from the File menu to create a new song document window.2. Add/remove devices and make settings as desired.Typicall

Strona 46

COMMON OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS 12 Views, Panes and Dividers On screen, Reason is divided into different areas or “panes”. The most obvious exam-ple i

Strona 48 - About Cables

12D Optimizing Performance

Strona 49 - Automatic Routing

OPTIMIZING PERFORMANCE140IntroductionReason is a program of infinite possibilities. You can create as complex songs as you like, using endless racks o

Strona 50

OPTIMIZING PERFORMANCE141General procedureThe basic procedure for optimizing the latency is the following:1. Open a song and start playback.You want t

Strona 51 - Using CV and Gate

OPTIMIZING PERFORMANCE142Optimizing SongsBelow follows things you can check and change to make sure your song uses as little computer processing power


OPTIMIZING PERFORMANCE143RedrumD Do not use the Tone feature available on channels 1, 2 and 9.In other words, make sure the Tone controls and their ac

Strona 53 - D The Sequencer


Strona 54 - Sequencer basics

13D Transport Panel

Strona 55 - About the two view modes

TRANSPORT PANEL146OverviewThe transport panel has standard controls for the sequencer transport, but also features controls for setting tempo, metrono

Strona 56 - Track handling

TRANSPORT PANEL147Tempo and Time SignatureThe tempo and time signature settings can be adjusted on the transport panel. The left tempo value sets the

Strona 57 - Creating tracks

COMMON OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS13D You can also click and drag with the Magnifying Glass to create a selec-tion rectangle.The view will then be zoomed

Strona 58 - Naming tracks

TRANSPORT PANEL148Additional Transport Panel ItemsClickWhen this is activated, you will hear a click on each beat, with an accent on the down-beat of


14D Reason Hardware Interface

Strona 60 - About the Transport

REASON HARDWARE INTERFACE150IntroductionThe Hardware device is where you connect Reason with the “outside world”. This is where MIDI is received, and

Strona 62 - Using the loop

THE COMBINATOR152IntroductionThe Combinator is special device that allows you to save and recall any combination of Reason devices (instruments, effec

Strona 63 - Recording

THE COMBINATOR153Combinator elementsIn the picture below an unfolded Combinator device is shown. The front of the Combinator consists of the following

Strona 64 - Redoing part of a take

THE COMBINATOR154D Therefore, all connections to/from a Combi should pass via the To/From Device connectors on the Combinator device if you wish to ma

Strona 65 - Basic note lane handling

THE COMBINATOR155Adding devices to a CombiAbout the Insertion lineWhen the Insertion line is shown, new created devices will be added to the Combina-t

Strona 66 - Recording automation

THE COMBINATOR156D If you drag devices into the Combi with [Shift] pressed, the devices will be disconnected from the rack and auto-routed according t

Strona 67

THE COMBINATOR157Deleting devices in a CombiThis works exactly as for devices in the rack. Select the device and then either select “Delete Device” fr

Strona 68 - Basic procedure


Strona 69

THE COMBINATOR158Bypass All FXThis button allows you bypass all effect devices in a Combi. It works as follows:• All insert effect devices in the Comb

Strona 70 - Folding automation lanes

THE COMBINATOR1591. Make sure the Combinator track has MIDI focus.2. Select an instrument device in the Device list to the left (non-instrument de-vic

Strona 71 - About the toolbar

THE COMBINATOR160About overlapping Velocity RangesYou can set overlapping velocity ranges. Here’s an example of how this can work:D Device 1 has a vel

Strona 72 - Editing clips in Arrange

THE COMBINATOR1612. Click in the Target column for the Rotary or Button control you wish to assign a parameter.On the pop-up that appears, all the ava

Strona 75 - About overlapping clips

THE MIXER164IntroductionThe Mixer 14:2 allows you to control the level, stereo placement (Pan), tone (EQ) and effect mix (AUX Sends) of each connected

Strona 76 - A muted clip

THE MIXER165Channel Strip Controls:|Item|Description|Value RangeChannel Fader The channel fader is used to control the output level of each correspond

Strona 77

THE MIXER166The Mixer signal flowThe basic signal flow for a channel in the Mixer is as follows:Note that the Solo function is true “in-place” solo, m

Strona 78 - About subticks

THE MIXER167ConnectionsAll input and output connectors are as usual located on the back panel of the Mixer 14:2. Special connectors are used for “chai

Strona 79 - Clip color

2D Audio basics

Strona 80 - The Edit mode

THE MIXER168Chaining MixersTwo chained Mixers are connected like this, the top Mixer being the “Master” Mixer.If you need more Mixer channels, you can

Strona 82 - Edit mode window handling

THE LINE MIXER 6:217 0IntroductionThe Line Mixer 6:2 allows you to control the level, stereo placement (Pan) and effect mix (AUX Send) of each connect

Strona 83 - Editing Notes

THE LINE MIXER 6:217 1ConnectionsAll input and output connectors are as usual located on the back panel of the Line Mixer.Mixer Channel ConnectionsD E

Strona 84


Strona 86 - Editing automation

REDRUM17 4IntroductionAt first glance, Redrum looks styled after pattern-based drum machines, like the leg-endary Roland 808/909 units. Indeed, it doe

Strona 87

REDRUM17 5Using PatchesWhen you create a new Redrum device it is empty. Before it can play back any audio you must first load a Redrum patch (or creat

Strona 88 - Deleting automation events

REDRUM17 6Programming PatternsPattern BasicsRedrum contains a built-in pattern sequencer. Unlike the main sequencer in Reason, the Redrum sequencer re

Strona 89 - Editing Pattern Change clips

REDRUM17 7D To select a pattern in the current bank, click on the desired Pattern but-ton (1-8).If you like, you can assign computer key commands and/

Strona 90 - Deleting pattern change clips

AUDIO BASICS16About this chapterThis chapter contains some useful information about how audio is handled by Reason. Some of it may seem a bit technica

Strona 91 - Tool window - Tools page

REDRUM17 8About the “Edit Steps” SwitchIf you set the pattern length to more than 16 steps, the pattern steps following after the 16th won’t be visibl

Strona 92 - Note Lengths

REDRUM17 9D Applying flam to several consecutive step entries is a quick way to pro-duce drum rolls.By adjusting the Flam knob you can create 1/32 not

Strona 93 - Alter Notes

REDRUM180Redrum ParametersDrum Sound SettingsRedrum features ten drum sound channels that can each be loaded with a Wave or AIFF sample or a sample fr

Strona 94 - Copying patterns to

REDRUM181D If the Vel knob is set to zero (middle position), the sound will play at a constant volume, regardless of the velocity.When Vel is set to z

Strona 95 - Matrix notes

REDRUM182Sample StartThe Start parameter allows you to adjust the start point of the sample. The higher the Start value, the further the start point i

Strona 96 - Automating tempo and time

REDRUM183Using Redrum as a Sound ModuleThe drum sounds in Redrum can be played via MIDI notes. Each drum sound is trig-gered by a specific note number

Strona 98 - MIDI Files

19D Subtractor Synthesizer

Strona 99 - D The ReGroove Mixer

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER186IntroductionSubtractor is an analog-type polyphonic synthesizer based on subtractive synthesis, the method used in analog syn

Strona 100 - The ReGroove Mixer

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER187Here follows a brief description of the Subtractor waveforms:! Please note that the descriptions of the waveforms sound or ti

Strona 101 - Channel parameters

AUDIO BASICS17About Sample Rates and ResolutionsSample rate and resolution are properties of digital audio, which determine the quality of the sound.

Strona 102 - Groove Patch Browser

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER188Oscillator Keyboard TrackingOscillator 1 has a button named “Kbd. Track”. If this is switched off, the oscillator pitch will

Strona 103 - Global Shuffle

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER189Phase Offset ModulationA unique feature of the Subtractor oscillators is the ability to create an extra waveform within one o

Strona 104 - Groove Settings

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER190Frequency Modulation (FM)In synthesizer-speak, Frequency Modulation, or FM, is when the frequency of one os-cillator (called

Strona 105 - Get From Clip

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER191The Filter SectionIn subtractive synthesis, a filter is the most important tool for shaping the overall tim-bre of the sound.

Strona 106 - Working with grooves

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER192D Highpass (HP12)A highpass filter is the opposite of a lowpass filter, cutting out lower frequencies and letting high freque


SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER193Filter 1 Frequency The Filter Frequency parameter (often referred to as “cutoff”) determines which area of the frequency spec

Strona 108 - Groovy tips & tricks

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER194Envelopes - GeneralEnvelope generators are used to control several important sound parameters in ana-log synthesizers, such a

Strona 109 - Factory Sound Bank

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER195Filter Envelope AmountThis parameter determines to what degree the filter will be affected by the Filter Enve-lope. Raising t

Strona 110

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER196DestinationThe available LFO 1 Destinations are as follows:SyncBy clicking this button you activate/deactivate LFO sync. The

Strona 111

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER197Play ParametersThis section deals with two things: Parameters that are affected by how you play, and modulation that can be a

Strona 113 - About the master keyboard

AUDIO BASICS18About Audio LevelsWhen playing back in Reason, you should keep an eye on the Audio Out Clip indica-tor on the transport panel. If this l

Strona 114 - Remote basics

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER198Pitch Bend and Modulation WheelsThe Pitch Bend wheel is used for “bending” notes, like bending the strings on a guitar. The M

Strona 115 - Locking a surface to a device

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER199About the Low Bandwidth buttonThis can be used to conserve CPU power. When activated, this function will remove some high fre

Strona 116 - Unlocking devices

SUBTRACTOR SYNTHESIZER200ConnectionsFlipping the Subtractor around reveals a plethora of connection possibilities, most of which are CV/Gate related.

Strona 117 - Remote Override

20D Thor Polysonic Synthesizer

Strona 118 - Removing Remote Overrides

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER202IntroductionThor is an advanced synthesizer with many unique features. The design could be described as semi-modular, in

Strona 119 - Overrides

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER203The Controller panelThe Controller panel contains standard Master Volume and Pitch and Mod controls, Keyboard Mode/Note T

Strona 120 - Keyboard Control

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER204The Pitch Bend and Modulation wheels• The Pitch and Mod wheels on the Controller panel will mirror the corresponding acti

Strona 121 - Saving Remote Setups

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER205D There are three open Oscillator slots, a Mixer, two open Filter slots, a Shaper, three Envelope generators, an LFO and

Strona 122

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER206D The Filter 1 output passes via the Shaper (currently not activated), on to the Amp section, and finally to the Main Out

Strona 123

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER207D The Arrow button in the top left corner of each slot opens a pop-up menu where an oscillator type can be selected for t

Strona 124 - Bus inputs

AUDIO BASICS19What is acceptable?Normally, hardware synthesizers provide you with a latency of 3 to 7 ms (milliseconds – thousands of a second), at le

Strona 125

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER208D There are 32 wavetables that can be selected using the up/down buttons or by clicking in the Wavetable display.Some of

Strona 126 - Introducing ReWire!

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER209Multi oscillatorThis versatile oscillator can simultaneously generate multiple detuned waveforms (of a set type) per voic

Strona 127 - Synchronization

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER210About Oscillator SyncOscillator sync is when one oscillator will restart the period of another oscillator, so that they w

Strona 128 - Routing MIDI via ReWire 2

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER211Filter slotsThor has three open Filter slots, two in the Voice section (which act per-voice) and one in the Global sectio

Strona 129 - ReWire Hosts

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER212State Variable FilterThis is a multi-mode filter which offers 12 dB/octave slope Lowpass (LP), Bandpass (BP), Highpass (H

Strona 130

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER213D The ENV-VEL-KBD knobs affect the “X” parameter.The parameter can be CV controlled.D The “Gender” parameter changes the

Strona 131 - D Synchronization

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER214Envelope sectionsThere are three Envelope generators in the Voice section. These are the Amp enve-lope, the Filter envelo

Strona 132 - External Device

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER215Global sectionThe Global section contains parameters that affect all voices. It contains two effects, an open filter slot

Strona 133 - Considerations

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER216LFO 2D The LFO 2 is a standard LFO but is not polyphonic like LFO 1. It is not as-signed to any parameter in an “Init” pa

Strona 134 - MIDI Sync and Focus

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER217The upper half of the menu contains Voice section source parameters, and the lower half contains various global play and

Strona 135 - D Song File Handling

AUDIO BASICS20PC Specific InformationAbout ASIO DirectX, MME and the Sound Buffer settingThere are three ways for Windows to access the audio hardware

Strona 136 - About Self-contained Songs

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER21810.The modulation routing is now complete!You now have full control over the vibrato modulation by using the Mod wheel. •

Strona 137 - Song Information

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER219Modulation Sources - Global The following parameters can be used as Global section modulation Sources:Modulation Destinat

Strona 138 - About the Reason Song Archive

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER220Modulation Destinations - GlobalThe following Global modulation destinations are available:Filter 1/ Filter 2 The followi

Strona 139 - Exporting as an Audio File

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER221Scale parametersThe available scale parameters are the same as the Source parameters.About using the Audio inputsThe 4 Au


THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER222Setting the directionThe Direction parameter is used to set the direction of the step sequence. The follow-ing options ar

Strona 141 - D Optimizing Performance

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER223Setting the number of stepsD You can set how many steps a sequence should have before starting over using the Steps knob

Strona 142 - Optimization and Output

THOR POLYSONIC SYNTHESIZER224ConnectionsThe following Audio and CV connectors can be found at the back of Thor:Sequencer Control InputsThe Sequencer C

Strona 143 - Optimizing Your Computer

21D Malström Synthesizer

Strona 144 - Optimizing Songs

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER226IntroductionThe Malström is a polyphonic synthesizer with a great number of different routing pos-sibilities. It is based on th

Strona 145 - Requirements

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER227The Oscillator sectionThe two oscillators (osc:A and osc:B) of the Malström are the actual sound genera-tors, and the rest of t


3D Sounds, Devices and Patches

Strona 147 - D Transport Panel

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER228Controlling playback of the graintableEach oscillator features three controls that determine how the loaded graintables are pla

Strona 148 - Overview

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER229The Modulator sectionThe Malström features two Modulators (mod:A and mod:B) These are in fact another type of oscillators, call

Strona 149 - New Dub/New Alt buttons

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER230D PitchUse this if you want Mod:A to offset the pitch of osc:A, osc:B, or both (see page 227).D IndexUse this if you want Mod:A


MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER231D To activate/deactivate a filter, click the On/Off button in the top left cor-ner.When a filter is activated, the button is li

Strona 151 - D Reason Hardware Interface

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER232D Env (envelope)If you click on this button so that it is lit, the cutoff frequency (see below) will be modulated by the filter

Strona 152 - Audio Out

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER233The ShaperBefore filter:A is an optional waveshaper. Waveshaping is a synthesis method for transforming sounds by altering the

Strona 153 - D The Combinator

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER234RoutingThe Malström puts you in total control of how the signal should be routed from the os-cillators, through the filters and

Strona 154 - Creating Combinator

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER235Both oscillators with one filter eachWith this configuration, the signals from osc:A and osc:B will go to filter:A and filter:B

Strona 155 - About internal and external

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER236VolumeThis knob controls the master volume out from the Malström.SpreadThis controls the stereo pan-width of the outputs from O


MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER237LegatoBy clicking this button you activate/deactivate Legato. Legato in Malström is unique in that it allows you to control whe

Strona 157 - Adding devices to a Combi

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES22Introduction✪ Please refer to the Tutorial chapters in the Getting Started book for quick-start information on how to cre

Strona 158 - Combi handling

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER238The Modulation wheel controlsThe Modulation wheel can be set to control a number of parameters. You can set pos-itive or negati

Strona 159 - The Controller panel

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER239Sequencer ControlThe Sequencer Control CV and Gate inputs allow you to play the Malström from an-other CV/Gate device (typicall

Strona 160 - Using the Programmer

MALSTRÖM SYNTHESIZER240Connecting the signal from the Malström itselfIf you connect one or both oscillator outputs to the audio input(s), the internal

Strona 162 - Using Modulation Routing

NN-19 SAMPLER242IntroductionA sampler could be described as a device capable of recording and reproducing au-dio material, like a tape recorder. Unlik

Strona 163 - CV Connections

NN-19 SAMPLER243About Audio File FormatsThe NN-19 can read audio files in the following formats:• Wave (.wav)• AIFF (.aif)• SoundFonts (.sf2)• REX fil

Strona 164

NN-19 SAMPLER244About Key Zones and SamplesLoading a Sample into an empty NN-191. Create a new sampler device.2. Click on the sample browser button.Th

Strona 165 - D The Mixer

NN-19 SAMPLER245Creating Key ZonesA “key zone” is a range of keys, that plays a sample. All key zones together make up a “key map”.To create a new key

Strona 166 - The Channel Strip

NN-19 SAMPLER246About Key zones, Assigned and Unassigned SamplesWhen you load samples and rearrange your key mapping, you will often end up with sampl

Strona 167 - Channel Strip Controls:

NN-19 SAMPLER247Looping SamplesA sample, unlike the cycles of an oscillator for example, is a finite quantity. There is a sample start and end. To get

Strona 168 - The Master Fader

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES23Selecting devicesSome operations (e.g. cutting, copying and deleting devices) require that you select one or several devi

Strona 169 - Connections

NN-19 SAMPLER248NN-19 Synth ParametersThe NN-19 synth parameters are used to shape and modulate samples. These are mostly similar to the parameters us

Strona 170 - Chaining Mixers

NN-19 SAMPLER249The Filter SectionFilters are used for shaping the overall timbre of the sound. The filter in NN-19 is a multimode filter with five fi

Strona 171 - D The Line Mixer 6:2

NN-19 SAMPLER250The Amp Envelope is used to adjust how the volume of the sound should change from the time you press a key until the key is released.

Strona 172 - Master level

NN-19 SAMPLER251SyncBy clicking this button you activate/deactivate LFO sync. The frequency of the LFO will then be synchronized to the song tempo, in

Strona 173

NN-19 SAMPLER252Pitch Bend and Modulation WheelsThe Pitch Bend wheel is used for “bending” notes, like bending the strings on a guitar. The Modulation

Strona 174 - THE LINE MIXER 6:2

NN-19 SAMPLER253Voice SpreadThis parameter can be used to control the stereo (pan) position of voices. The Spread knob determines the intensity of the

Strona 175 - D Redrum

NN-19 SAMPLER254Gate InputsThese inputs can receive a CV signal to trigger the envelopes. Note that connecting to these inputs will override the “norm

Strona 177 - Using Patches

NN-XT SAMPLER256IntroductionFeaturesThe basic functions of the NN-XT are very similar to those of its sampler companion in the Reason rack - the NN-19

Strona 178 - Programming Patterns

NN-XT SAMPLER257Loading Complete Patches and REX FilesAs previously alluded, you can load complete sample patches as well as individual samples into t

Strona 179 - Setting Pattern Length

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES24In this example an RV-7 reverb device is moved:4. Release the mouse button.The device(s) are moved to the new position an

Strona 180 - Pattern Shuffle

NN-XT SAMPLER258Using the Main PanelAll of the controls on the main panel are used for globally modifying certain parame-ters for all of the samples i

Strona 181 - Chaining Patterns

NN-XT SAMPLER259All of these knobs change the values of various parameters in the remote editor panel and affect all loaded samples. Thus they can be

Strona 182 - Redrum Parameters

NN-XT SAMPLER260The Tab Bar areaThis area gives you a visual indication of the key range of a selected zone. By clicking and dragging the “handles” at

Strona 183 - Pitch Bend

NN-XT SAMPLER261Selections and Edit FocusAlmost all operations in the remote editor are performed on one or more selected zones or on the zone with ed

Strona 184 - Global Settings

NN-XT SAMPLER262Selecting zones via MIDIYou can also select zones via your MIDI keyboard. By clicking the button marked “Se-lect zones via MIDI” above

Strona 185 - Using Redrum as a Sound

NN-XT SAMPLER263Adjusting ParametersAdjusting Synth ParametersThe synth parameters are the ones that occupy the bulk of the remote editor panel (see p

Strona 186

NN-XT SAMPLER264Managing Zones and SamplesCreating a Key MapWhen you add an NN-XT sampler to the rack, its key map display is always empty. That is, i

Strona 187 - D Subtractor Synthesizer

NN-XT SAMPLER265Replacing a SampleTo replace the sample in a zone, proceed as follows:1. Make sure the zone has edit focus and do one of the following

Strona 188 - The Oscillator Section

NN-XT SAMPLER266Working with GroupingAbout GroupsGrouping has two purposes:D To allow you to quickly select a number of zones that “belong together.”F


NN-XT SAMPLER267Working with Key RangesAbout Key RangesEach zone can have its own separate key range, the lowest and the highest key that will trigger

Strona 190 - Noise Generator

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES25Naming devicesEach device has a “tape strip” showing the name of the device. When you create a new device it is automatic

Strona 191 - Phase Offset Modulation

NN-XT SAMPLER268D The inverse is also true - i.e. turning the Lo Key knob for several selected zones will apply the edit focused low key setting to al

Strona 192 - Ring Modulation

NN-XT SAMPLER269Moving Zones by Dragging the Zone BoxesYou can also move entire zones horizontally, thereby changing their key ranges.1. Select all th

Strona 193 - The Filter Section

NN-XT SAMPLER270Sorting Zones by NoteThe Edit menu and the NN-XT context menu contains an item called “Sort Zones by Note”. This option lets you autom

Strona 194

NN-XT SAMPLER271Tuning Samples Manually In addition to setting the root note, you may need to fine tune your samples, in order for them to match other

Strona 195 - Filter 2

NN-XT SAMPLER272Layered, Crossfaded and Velocity Switched SoundsCreating Layered SoundsYou can set things up so that two or more zones have overlappin

Strona 196 - Envelopes - General

NN-XT SAMPLER273• Zones with any other velocity range are shown as striped.The top zone has a full velocity range (1-127), and the lower zone has a pa

Strona 197 - LFO Section

NN-XT SAMPLER274Setting Crossfading for a ZoneManuallyTo set up a crossfade for a zone, proceed as follows:1. Select one or more zones that you want t

Strona 198 - LFO 2 Parameters

NN-XT SAMPLER275Sample ParametersThe Sample parameter area is found below the screen. They allow you to adjust pa-rameters for one or several selected

Strona 199 - Play Parameters

NN-XT SAMPLER276OutThe NN-XT features eight separate stereo output pairs (see page 284). For each zone, you can decide which of these output pairs to

Strona 200 - Portamento (Time)

NN-XT SAMPLER277Legato and RetrigLegatoLegato works best with monophonic sounds. Set Key Poly (see above) to 1 and try the following:D Hold down a key

Strona 201 - External Modulation

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES26D Folded devices can be renamed, moved, duplicated and deleted just like unfolded devices. D For devices that use patches

Strona 202

NN-XT SAMPLER278LFO 1 AmtThis determines how much the amount of modulation from LFO 1 is affected by the Modulation wheel and/or the External Controll

Strona 203 - D Thor Polysonic Synthesizer

NN-XT SAMPLER279The Pitch sectionThis section contains various parameters related to controlling the pitch, or frequency, of the zones. Pitch Bend Ran

Strona 204 - Thor elements

NN-XT SAMPLER280D FreqThis is used for setting the filter cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency determines the limit above or below which frequencies

Strona 205

NN-XT SAMPLER281D SustainThe Sustain parameter determines the value the envelope should drop back to af-ter the Decay. If you set Sustain to full leve

Strona 206

NN-XT SAMPLER282D PanThis controls the stereo balance of the output pair to which a zone is routed. In the middle position, the signal appears equally

Strona 207 - Selecting oscillator type

NN-XT SAMPLER283Mode (LFO 1 only)This lets you set the “operation mode” for the LFO. Click the button to switch be-tween the available modes:D Group R

Strona 208 - The Oscillator section

NN-XT SAMPLER284ConnectionsOn the back panel of NN-XT are a number of connectors. Many of these are CV/Gate related. Using CV/Gate is described in the

Strona 209 - Wavetable oscillator

24D Dr. Rex Loop Player

Strona 210 - FM Pair oscillator

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER286IntroductionThe Dr.Rex Loop Player is capable of playing back and editing files created in ReCy-cle, another product created by

Strona 211 - Noise oscillator

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER287Adding a LoopTo add a loop into the Dr.Rex Loop Player, proceed as follows:1. Open the browser by selecting “Browse ReCycle/REX

Strona 212 - Mix section

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES27Routing an Insert Effect between the Hardware Interface and another deviceD If you select the Hardware Interface and then

Strona 213 - Filter slots

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER288Creating Sequencer NotesTo be able to make your REX loop start at the same time as other sequencer or pat-tern data, you first h

Strona 214 - Formant filter

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER289Slice HandlingSelecting SlicesA selected slice is indicated by being highlighted in the waveform display. To select a slice, use

Strona 215 - Amp section

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER290Dr.Rex Synth ParametersThe Dr.Rex synth parameters are used for shaping and modulating the sound of the REX loops. These paramet

Strona 216 - Envelope sections

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER291Filter Frequency The Filter Frequency parameter (often referred to as “cutoff”) determines which area of the frequency spectrum

Strona 217 - Global section

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER292• The output of the two LFOs are never actually heard. Instead they are used for modulating various parameters.The most typical

Strona 218 - Modulation bus routing

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER293Pitch Bend and Modulation WheelsThe Pitch Bend wheel is used for “bending” the pitch up or down. The Modulation wheel can be use

Strona 219

DR. REX LOOP PLAYER294ConnectionsOn the back panel of Dr.Rex you will find the connectors, which are mostly CV/Gate related. Using CV/Gate is describe

Strona 220

25D Matrix Pattern Sequencer

Strona 221 - Modulation Sources - Global

MATRIX PATTERN SEQUENCER296IntroductionThe Matrix is a pattern-based device. Matrix doesn’t generate sound on its own, but has to be connected to anot

Strona 222

MATRIX PATTERN SEQUENCER297Programming PatternsPattern BasicsMatrix contains a built-in pattern sequencer. Unlike the main sequencer in Reason, the Ma

Strona 223 - Step Sequencer

D Table of Contents

Strona 224 - Inserting rests

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES28Using Cables! For the cables to be visible, the option “Show Cables” must be activated on the Options menu. See below.1.

Strona 225 - Step Pattern functions

MATRIX PATTERN SEQUENCER298! Note that clearing a pattern doesn’t affect the pattern length, resolution or shuffle settings!Using Cut, Copy and PasteB

Strona 226

MATRIX PATTERN SEQUENCER2994. Click inside the upper grid section of the Matrix pattern window.An orientation line is displayed in the grid to make it

Strona 227 - D Malström Synthesizer

MATRIX PATTERN SEQUENCER300Using Curve PatternsCurve patterns are independent patterns that can be applied separately to the note pattern programmed i

Strona 228

MATRIX PATTERN SEQUENCER301Setting Pattern LengthYou may want to make settings for Pattern length, i.e. the number of steps the pattern should play be

Strona 229

MATRIX PATTERN SEQUENCER302Pattern FunctionsWhen a pattern device is selected, you will find some specific pattern functions on the Edit menu (and on

Strona 230 - The amplitude envelopes

MATRIX PATTERN SEQUENCER303Example UsageAs mentioned previously, the Matrix is a very flexible device. Here follows a few exam-ples of how you can use

Strona 231 - The Modulator section


Strona 232 - The Filter section

26D RPG-8 Arpeggiator

Strona 233 - Filter controls

RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR306IntroductionAn arpeggiator generates rhythmic note patterns (arpeggios) from notes or chords. The RPG-8 Arpeggiator doesn’t genera

Strona 234 - The Filter Envelope

RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR3074. With MIDI input directed to the Arp 1 sequencer track, play a few notes.The notes in the chord you play are now arpeggiated for

Strona 235 - The Shaper

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES29Hiding and Showing CablesYou can choose whether you want the patch cables to be visible or not, by activating or deactiva

Strona 236 - Routing examples

RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR308Recording MIDI note data for the RPG-8 - simple tutorialThe notes that you feed into the Arpeggiator can be recorded and edited in

Strona 237 - The output controls

RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR309Rendering arpeggio notes to trackThis function allows you to render the arpeggio generated by RPG-8 to the target de-vice track. T

Strona 238 - The play controls

RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR310Octave ShiftThis allows you to transpose the RPG-8 Note CV output in octave steps. You can oc-tave shift up or down 3 octaves.Octa

Strona 239 - The Velocity controls

RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR311Single Note RepeatSingle Note repeat governs how the arpeggiator behaves when the user plays single keys or monophonic lines. D Wh

Strona 240

RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR312D If you click on a step button it goes dark. This means that this step will in-sert a rest in the arpeggio pattern.Note that no a

Strona 241 - Routing external audio to

RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR313CV connectionsOn the back of the RPG-8 you can find a number of useful CV connectors. These are as follows:CV InputsThere are five


RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR314Tips and tricksUsing the RPG-8 for modulationYou can use the RPG-8 as a modulation source, much like an LFO. The RPG-8 can generat

Strona 243 - D NN-19 Sampler

27D ReBirth Input Machine

Strona 244 - General Sampling Principles

REBIRTH INPUT MACHINE316IntroductionThe ReBirth Input Machine is a device dedicated to receiving audio from the Propel-lerhead program “ReBirth RB-338

Strona 245 - About Audio File Formats

REBIRTH INPUT MACHINE317RoutingWhen the two programs are synced, you can route any of the eighteen available out-puts in ReBirth, to separate channels

Strona 246 - About Key Zones and

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES30About the “Load Default Sound in New Devices” preferenceOn the Preferences - General page there is an option (on by defau

Strona 247 - Deleting a Key Zone


Strona 249 - Automap Samples

BV512 VOCODER320IntroductionThe BV512 is an advanced vocoder device with a variable number of filter bands. It also has a unique 1024-point FFT vocodi

Strona 250 - NN-19 Synth Parameters

BV512 VOCODER321Setting up for basic vocodingThis tutorial describes how to connect and use a typical vocoder setup. We assume here that you have a MI

Strona 251 - Envelope Section

BV512 VOCODER32212.Try the different filter band options and note the difference in sound.13.You can also adjust the vocoder sound by clicking and dra

Strona 252

BV512 VOCODER323Using the BV512 as an equalizerThe BV512 has a unique equalizer mode, in which the device works purely as an in-sert effect (the modul

Strona 253

BV512 VOCODER324BV512 parametersOn the front panel of the BV512 Vocoder, you will find the following parameters and displays:|Parameter|DescriptionByp

Strona 254

BV512 VOCODER325ConnectionsThe back panel of the BV512 offers the following connections:Individual band levelsThese are CV outputs and inputs. • The u

Strona 255

BV512 VOCODER326AutomationAll parameters on the front panel can be automated in the standard manner. The indi-vidual band levels (the bars in the lowe

Strona 256 - Gate Inputs

BV512 VOCODER327D For a more distinct and precise sound, try using a narrow pulse wave-form.You get this by selecting e.g. a sawtooth wave on the Subt

Strona 257 - D NN-XT Sampler

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES31Saving device settings as patches on diskEven though the device settings are stored in the song, you may want to save any

Strona 258 - Panel Overview

BV512 VOCODER328Controlling the Hold functionAs described see page 324, pressing the Hold button on the front panel “freezes” the current filter spect

Strona 259 - Loading Complete Patches

BV512 VOCODER329D Connect the gate outputs on a Redrum to individual band level inputs.With this connection (and no device connected to the Modulator

Strona 260 - Using the Main Panel

BV512 VOCODER330Using the BV512 as a reverbThis is a very special trick which can be quite cool. Proceed as follows:1. Create a Redrum device.The “voc

Strona 261 - Editor panel

BV512 VOCODER331Creating a stereo reverbWhat you’ve got above is a mono reverb. Here’s how to make it stereo:1. Select the Subtractor and create a Spi

Strona 264 - Moving Edit Focus

THE EFFECT DEVICES334Common Device FeaturesWhile the specific parameters for each device are described below, some features and procedures are common

Strona 265 - Adjusting Parameters

THE EFFECT DEVICES335The MClass effectsThe MClass package consists of four effect devices, which are available separately or grouped together in the “

Strona 266 - Managing Zones and

THE EFFECT DEVICES336Parametric 1-2 parametersA parametric equalizer will boost or cut frequencies around the selected frequency. The following parame

Strona 267 - Using Copy and Paste

THE EFFECT DEVICES337The MClass CompressorThis is a single-band compressor capable of everything from subtle compression to aggressive pumping effects

Strona 268 - Working with Grouping

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES32About ReFillsA ReFill is a kind of component package for Reason which can contain patches, sam-ples, REX files, Soundfont

Strona 269 - Working with Key Ranges

THE EFFECT DEVICES3385. If you now start playback of both devices, the level of Device A will be low-ered whenever Device B sounds, and be raised agai

Strona 270 - NN-XT SAMPLER

THE EFFECT DEVICES339The MClass MaximizerThis is a loudness maximizer, a special type of limiter which can significantly raise the perceived loudness

Strona 271 - Dragging multiple zones

THE EFFECT DEVICES340ParametersScream 4 contains three main sections; Damage (distortion and other types of sound destruction), Cut (EQ) and Body (pla

Strona 272 - Setting Root Notes and

THE EFFECT DEVICES341Cut section (EQ)The sliders in the Cut section are tone controls, allowing you to cut or boost the level by up to 18dB in the low

Strona 273 - Using Automap

THE EFFECT DEVICES342About the envelope followerThe Body section features an envelope follower for dynamic control of the Scale pa-rameter. The envelo

Strona 274 - Velocity Switched Sounds

THE EFFECT DEVICES343Tips and tricksDon’t restrict yourself to using Scream 4 as a basic distortion stompbox, but try it in as many ways as possible -

Strona 275

THE EFFECT DEVICES344Creating a real dynamic wah effect with the envelope followerAs we have shown, you can get auto-wah-like effects with the Body se

Strona 276 - Using Alternate

THE EFFECT DEVICES345The main panelThe RV7000 main panel.When you create an RV7000, only the main panel will be shown. This contains a sec-tion for ha

Strona 277 - Sample Parameters

THE EFFECT DEVICES346Here’s a quick overview of the nine algorithms - for details and parameter descrip-tions, see below.Small SpaceThis algorithm pla

Strona 278 - Group Parameters

THE EFFECT DEVICES347PlateA classic plate reverb, excellent for vocals for example. The parameters are:SpringAn emulation of a spring reverb as can be

Strona 279 - Synth parameters

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES33Using the BrowserThe Browser is a special file dialog that appears when you open songs or load patches, samples, MIDI or

Strona 280

THE EFFECT DEVICES348• You can also set Edit Select to “Repeat Tap” - this is where you specify the repeat time for the whole multi tap “package”.With

Strona 281 - The Pitch section

THE EFFECT DEVICES349The EQ sectionThe equalizer in RV7000 affects the wet reverb sound only and is used for shaping the character of the reverb. Ther

Strona 282 - The Modulation Envelope

THE EFFECT DEVICES350The parameters for the Gate section are:CV InputsOn the back of the RV7000 you find three CV inputs. These are:|Parameter|Descrip

Strona 283 - The Amplitude Envelope

THE EFFECT DEVICES351RV-7 Digital ReverbReverb adds ambience and creates a space effect. Normally, reverb simulates some kind of acoustic environment

Strona 284 - The LFOs

THE EFFECT DEVICES352DDL-1 Digital Delay LineThis is a mono delay (where the output can be panned in stereo) that can be synchro-nized to the song tem

Strona 285 - Destinations for LFO 2

THE EFFECT DEVICES353D-11 Foldback DistortionThe D-11 is a simple but effective distortion effect, capable of producing anything from just a whisper s

Strona 286

THE EFFECT DEVICES354The ECF-42 filter section has the following parameters:The Envelope ParametersThis is a standard envelope generator with Attack,

Strona 287 - D Dr. Rex Loop Player

THE EFFECT DEVICES355Pattern Controlled Filter - An ExampleThis example shows how to use the ECF-42 and the Matrix to create pattern con-trolled filte

Strona 288

THE EFFECT DEVICES356CF-101 Chorus/FlangerThe CF-101 is a combined chorus and flanger effect. It adds depth and movement to the sound by adding a shor

Strona 289 - Adding a Loop

THE EFFECT DEVICES357PH-90 PhaserThe PH-90 Phaser is a classic phaser effect with some special features for fine-tuning the sound. It can create the c

Strona 290 - Creating Sequencer Notes

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES34Opening the browserYou can use any of the following commands to open the Browser dialog (what file types you can browse f

Strona 291 - Slice Handling

THE EFFECT DEVICES358UN-16 UnisonThe UN-16 simulates the sound of several detuned voices playing the same notes si-multaneously. The voices are indivi

Strona 292 - Dr.Rex Synth Parameters

THE EFFECT DEVICES359PEQ-2 Two Band Parametric EQWhile there is a simple two-band shelving equalizer available for each channel in the mixer, the PEQ-

Strona 293

THE EFFECT DEVICES360Spider Audio Merger & SplitterThe Spider Audio Merger & Splitter is not an effect device, but a utility. It has two ba-si

Strona 294 - Velocity Control

THE EFFECT DEVICES361Spider CV Merger & SplitterThe Spider CV Merger & Splitter is not an effect device, but a utility. It has two basic funct

Strona 295 - Audio Quality Settings

THE EFFECT DEVICES3623. Now create a Spider CV and a second Matrix device and connect them as in the picture below.Note that the Note CV output from M

Strona 296

THE EFFECT DEVICES363Splitting CVOn the right half of the back panel you will find two split inputs “A” and “B”, each with four output connectors. The

Strona 298

30D Menu and Dialog Reference

Strona 299

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE366Reason Menu (Mac OS X)About ReasonThis menu item opens up a dialog that informs you about the version of the program and t

Strona 300 - Tutorial

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE367Song Information...This brings up a dialog that allows you to add contact information, comments about the song, etc. Furth


SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES35Show pop-up menuThis is only available in the Patch browser (it is otherwise grayed out). It determines what patch types

Strona 302 - Using Curve Patterns

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE368Song Self-contain Settings...A self-contained song contains not only the references to the used files, but also the files

Strona 303 - Pattern Mute

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE369D All controller data in the MIDI file is included.Performance controllers such as pitch bend and mod wheel will be part o

Strona 304

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE370Export REX as MIDI File...If you have imported a REX file into a Dr. Rex device and wish to play back the loop via MIDI (t

Strona 305 - Example Usage

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE371D If you copy and paste several devices, the connections between these are preserved.D If you hold down [Shift] when you p

Strona 306

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE372If this is the case when you select a patch, the program will tell you so. You can then choose to either manually locate t

Strona 307 - D RPG-8 Arpeggiator

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE3731. Select all samples that belong together and load them in one go, using the sample browser.One of the samples will be lo

Strona 308 - Using the RPG-8

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE374Delete ZonesThis menu item is used with the NN-XT sampler. Selecting this option will remove both the selected zones, and

Strona 309 - RPG-8 ARPEGGIATOR

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE375Automap ZonesThis menu item is used with the NN-XT sampler. The automap function can be used as a quick way of creating a

Strona 310 - Using multiple Lanes

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE3764. Pull down the Edit menu and select “Copy Pattern to Track”.Notes will be created between the left and right locators, a

Strona 311 - RPG-8 Parameters

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE377Combine/UncombineD By selecting several devices in the rack and selecting “Combine”, a Com-binator device will be created

Strona 312 - Arpeggiator parameters

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES36The Info section in the left corner can show Song/ReFill splash images and the De-tails section will show information abo

Strona 313 - Pattern editor

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE378Parameter AutomationThe parameter automation dialog allows you to add or remove automation lanes for the selected sequence

Strona 314 - Automating the Pattern editor

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE379Crop Events to ClipsNotes or automation points can be positioned before or after the start or end of a clip. For example,

Strona 315 - CV connections

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE380Clear Remote Override MappingThis menu command is available when Remote Override Edit Mode has been acti-vated on the Opti

Strona 316 - Tips and tricks

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE3811. Select New from the File menu to create a new song document window.2. Add/remove devices and make settings as desired.T

Strona 317 - D ReBirth Input Machine

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE382D If you are using audio hardware for which there is a specific ASIO driver, you should select this. With an ASIO driver w

Strona 318 - Preparations

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE383Output Latency & Buffer SizeThe Output latency is the delay between when audio is “sent” from the program and when you

Strona 319 - Mix-L and Mix-R

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE384D The “Attached Surfaces” list in the middle shows the currently added de-vices.Selecting a device in the list allows you


MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE385If your control surface model isn’t listedIf you can’t find your control surface listed on the Manufacturer or Model pop-u

Strona 321 - D BV512 Vocoder

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE386D Under Mac OS X, Reason will use the language selected in the operating system (if applicable).Create MenuCreate Instrume

Strona 322

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE387Options MenuInternal Sync/MIDI Clock Sync/ReWire SyncThese three options are used to specify which type of tempo synchroni

Strona 323 - Setting up for basic

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES37About hierarchic and flat listsIn certain circumstances the Browser will display a flat list without any folder hierar-ch

Strona 324 - Vocoded vocals

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE3885. Click “OK” to exit the dialog.The selected parameter is now tagged with a lightning bolt symbol, indicating Re-mote Ove

Strona 325 - Using the BV512 as an

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE389Window Menu (Windows Version)Stay on topWhen this is activated, the Reason window will always stay on top of other program

Strona 326 - BV512 parameters

MENU AND DIALOG REFERENCE390Help/Contacts Menu Contents (Windows only)This menu item opens up the Help system with the Contents tab selected.Index (Wi

Strona 327

D Index

Strona 328 - Automation

INDEX392AAdd Labels to Clips 379Adjust Alien Clips to Lane 71ADSR 194Alien Clips 71AlterNotes 91Pattern (Matrix) 302Pattern (Redrum) 179Pattern (RPG-8

Strona 329 - Choosing a modulator sound

INDEX393CombinatorAdding devices 155Bypass All FX 158Combining devices 152Creating 152Creating by browsing patches 152Creating new devices 155External

Strona 330 - Controlling the Hold function

INDEX394EE Marker 137, 369ECF-42 Envelope Filter 353Edit Automation 84Edit Keyboard Remote 118Edit View 78EditingAutomation events 85Empty Rack (Defau

Strona 331

INDEX395KKey CommandsSyntax in Manual 8Transport 59Zooming 57Key MapsNN-19 246NN-XT 264Key ZonesNN-19 245NN-XT 256Keyboard Control Edit Mode 387Keyboa

Strona 332 - Using the BV512 as a reverb

INDEX396MultiMedia Extensions Driver 20Multiple Undo 11Mute 54Mixer 165, 170Redrum 180Mute Clips 378NNamingDevices 25New 366New Dub/New Alt buttons 63

Strona 333 - Creating a stereo reverb

INDEX397Pre-Align (ReGroove Mixer) 101Pre-count 61PreferencesAdvanced Control page 385Audio page 381General page 380International page 385Keyboards an

Strona 334 - BV512 VOCODER

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 7 Common Operations and Concepts 8 About this manual8 About this Chapter8 Conventions in the Manual8 Making Settings9 Tool Tips10

Strona 335 - D The Effect Devices

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES38There are basically two instances where selecting several files in the Browser file list is relevant:D It is possible to

Strona 336 - Common Device Features

INDEX398RPG-8About 306Arpeggiator parameters 310Arpeggio notes to track 309MIDI-CV Converter parameters 309Setting up 306rps files 136Run button 176,

Strona 337 - The MClass Equalizer

INDEX399SongsCreating Default 136Creating New 366End position 137, 369Exporting as Audio Files 137Opening 136, 366Optimizing 142Published 136Publishin

Strona 338 - The MClass Stereo Imager

INDEX400WWeb Site 135, 367Wheel mouse 13Windows MME Driver 20ZZooming 12

Strona 339 - The MClass Compressor

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES39Create Instrument/Create EffectThis allows you to browse for any kind of instrument or effect patch. This is essentially


SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES40Opening filesWhen you have navigated to the desired folder (on your hard disk or within a ReFill) and located the desired

Strona 341 - Scream 4 Sound Destruction

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES41Using Favorites - a practical exampleHere follows a practical example of how you can use Favorites for patch files:You ar

Strona 342 - Parameters

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES42The Missing Sounds dialogThis dialog appears if you clicked the Open Dialog button in the previous dialog, or if you clic

Strona 343 - Body section

SOUNDS, DEVICES AND PATCHES43D For the files you have found (status “Replaced”), the new paths will be stored in the song or patch.However, you need t

Strona 344 - CV inputs and outputs


Strona 345

4D Routing Audio and CV

Strona 346 - RV7000 Advanced Reverb

ROUTING AUDIO AND CV46About the various signals that can be routedThis chapter describes the various ways you can route signals in Reason. The follow-

Strona 347 - Selecting an algorithm

ROUTING AUDIO AND CV47Color CodingCables are color coded in the following way, making it easier to discern between the various connections:• Audio con

Strona 348 - Small Space

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 123 Using Reason as a ReWire Slave 124 About this Chapter124 Why use Reason with ReWire?124 Introducing ReWire!125 Launching and

Strona 349 - Multi Tap

ROUTING AUDIO AND CV48CV/Gate Auto-routeD CV/Gate auto-routing occurs when you create a Matrix Pattern Se-quencer with an instrument device (Subtracto

Strona 350

ROUTING AUDIO AND CV49Using pop-up menus1. Click (or right-click) on a connector.A pop-up menu appears, listing all devices in the rack. 2. Move the p

Strona 351 - The Gate section


Strona 352 - CV Inputs

5D The Sequencer

Strona 353 - RV-7 Digital Reverb

THE SEQUENCER52IntroductionThe sequencer is for assembling your songs. This is where you record notes and au-tomation and edit clips and events.Sequen

Strona 354 - DDL-1 Digital Delay Line

THE SEQUENCER53Track typesThere are three basic track types:D Tracks for instrument devices and other devices that receive notes.Devices such as synth

Strona 355 - ECF-42 Envelope Controlled

THE SEQUENCER54Track handling! How to handle note lanes on tracks is described on page 63.Track elementsIn the picture below three tracks are shown. F

Strona 356 - CV/Gate Inputs

THE SEQUENCER55D To solo a track, click the corresponding Solo (S) button. This mutes all other (unsoloed) tracks. Soloed tracks have green S buttons.

Strona 357

THE SEQUENCER56D First select the device and then select ”Create Track for (name of de-vice)” item on the Edit menu. This is also available on the dev

Strona 358 - CF-101 Chorus/Flanger

THE SEQUENCER57Key, velocity and controller edit lanes are shown. D You can scroll and change magnification in a number of ways, including standard sc

Strona 359 - PH-90 Phaser

TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 185 Subtractor Synthesizer 186 Introduction186 The Oscillator Section191 The Filter Section194 Envelopes - General195 LFO Section

Strona 360 - Gain Compressor

THE SEQUENCER58About the TransportYou’ll notice that when detaching the sequencer from the rack, there will be two in-stances of the transport on the

Strona 361 - PEQ-2 Two Band Parametric

THE SEQUENCER59Transport controls - overviewThe transport panel is located at the bottom of each song document window. This is where you activate play

Strona 362 - Splitter

THE SEQUENCER60About Snap to GridThe Snap to Grid function (from now on called “Snap”) restricts movement to specific positions. This is especially us

Strona 363 - Practical uses of merging CV

THE SEQUENCER61RecordingSetting up for recordingBefore you start recording, you need to make some basic settings:Tempo and Time SignatureThe tempo and

Strona 364

THE SEQUENCER62D The recorded clip will be selected (indicated by the clip having a border and handles at each end) and the recorded notes will be vis

Strona 365 - Splitting CV

THE SEQUENCER63Basic note lane handlingAdding note lanes and the New Dub/New Alt buttonsYou can add new note lanes for an instrument track. This is us

Strona 366

THE SEQUENCER64Selecting/moving note lanesNote lanes are not selectable items in the same way that tracks are. Tracks (when se-lected) will adhere to

Strona 367 - D Menu and Dialog Reference

THE SEQUENCER65Recording performance controller automationIf you use any MIDI performance controllers when recording on a note lane, these are automat

Strona 368 - File Menu

THE SEQUENCER66About performance controller automation on multiple lanes If you have several active (unmuted) note clips with performance controller a

Strona 369 - Publish Song

THE SEQUENCER67D If the device that you wish to automate doesn’t have a sequencer track, the quickest way to add one is by selecting “Create Track for

Strona 370 - Import MIDI File

TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 315 ReBirth Input Machine 316 Introduction316 Preparations317 Routing 319 BV512 Vocoder 320 Introduction321 Setting up for basic

Strona 371 - Export Device Patch

THE SEQUENCER683. Stop recording when you are done.You have now replaced the automation from where you started recording to where you stopped recordin

Strona 372 - Edit Menu

THE SEQUENCER69Recording pattern changesIf your song contains pattern devices, you probably want to use more than a single pattern throughout the song

Strona 373 - Sequencer clips and events

THE SEQUENCER70About SnapWhen you select and edit material (both in the Arrange and Edit mode), the Snap function affects the result. By activating Sn

Strona 374 - Browse Samples

THE SEQUENCER71To select multiple clips in Arrange mode, click and drag a selection rectangle.D You can draw a selection rectangle covering several tr


THE SEQUENCER72Moving clips with performance controller automation data to another trackIf you move note clips that contains performance controller au

Strona 376

THE SEQUENCER73Deleting clipsD To delete a clip, select it and press [Delete] or [Backspace] or select De-lete from the Edit menu.You can also draw se

Strona 377 - Copy Pattern to Track

THE SEQUENCER74Drawing clipsYou can draw empty clips in Arrange mode using the Pencil tool. This is useful if you want to manually draw events into a

Strona 378

THE SEQUENCER75D If you select a clip, two value fields appear, showing the clip start posi-tion (Pos) and the clip length (Len) in bars, beats, 1/16

Strona 379

THE SEQUENCER76About Match valuesWhen several clips are selected and their values differ in position and/or length, the Match values button appears be

Strona 380

THE SEQUENCER77Inserting and Removing BarsWhen editing the overall structure of a song, you may need to rearrange the order and length of whole sectio

Strona 381


Strona 382 - Preferences – General

THE SEQUENCER78The Edit modeThe Edit mode allows you to edit events inside a clip. This is where you perform de-tailed editing of note and automation

Strona 383 - Preferences – Audio

THE SEQUENCER79The Edit mode elementsIn Edit mode, the view is divided into various edit lanes which are used for editing dif-ferent types of events i

Strona 384

THE SEQUENCER80Drum edit mode. This is divided vertically into note numbers, corresponding to the drum sound channels on a Redrum device (and named ac

Strona 385 - Latency Compensation

THE SEQUENCER81Drawing NotesNotes are drawn and edited primarily in the Key lane, but all actions described apply to the Drum lane and the REX lane:Dr

Strona 386

THE SEQUENCER82Nudging event positionsYou can use the left/right arrow keys to “nudge” the positions of selected events. It works as follows:• Pressin

Strona 387 - International (Windows only)

THE SEQUENCER83Editing velocityThe velocity values of notes can be edited manually in the Velocity lane,The velocity values are shown as bars, with hi

Strona 388 - Create Menu

THE SEQUENCER84About subticksWhen editing you have a resolution of 240 ticks per 1/16 note, which allows for very accurate positioning. But when you r

Strona 389 - Options Menu

THE SEQUENCER85D You can also remove automation lanes by using the Delete Automation Lane (“X”) button in the track list for the corresponding lane. I

Strona 390 - Checking Connections

THE SEQUENCER86About Automation CleanupD If you find you have gotten too many automation points when recording or drawing events, you can adjust the “

Strona 391 - Window Menu (Mac OS

THE SEQUENCER87Editing performance controller automationTo edit, draw or delete performance controllers, open the note clip. Performance controllers (

Strona 392 - Help/Contacts Menu

1 D Common Operations and Concepts

Strona 393

THE SEQUENCER88Drawing Pattern clipsYou can draw pattern clips on the Pattern Select lane with the Pencil tool:1. Activate Snap and set the Snap value

Strona 394

THE SEQUENCER89Tool window - Tools page note editing functionsThe Tool window - Tools page contains some special editing functions. Proceed as follows

Strona 395

THE SEQUENCER904. Click the Quantize “Apply” button.The selected notes are quantized.In this example, a sloppily recorded hi-hat pattern is quantized

Strona 396

THE SEQUENCER91Legato AdjustmentsThis function can be used to extend each selected note so that it reaches the next se-lected note. You can also short

Strona 397

THE SEQUENCER92Copying patterns to sequencer tracksAs described on page 288, you can use the “To Track” function when using the Dr.Rex Loop Player dev

Strona 398

THE SEQUENCER93Redrum notesWhen you use this function with the Redrum, you should note the following:• The notes will have the pitch of the correspond

Strona 399

THE SEQUENCER94Automating tempo and time signatureThe transport track can be used to automate tempo and/or time signature changes. It works by drawing

Strona 400

THE SEQUENCER95Automating time signature1. Set the desired time signature on the transport.This will be your static value, i.e. the time signature of

Strona 401

THE SEQUENCER96Importing and Exporting MIDI FilesReason can import and export standard midi files (SMF). This allows you to transfer MIDI data between

Strona 402 - Zooming 12

6D The ReGroove Mixer

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