Made in Sweden, Operation Manual, www.propellerheads.seChange the tempo of a groove without altering its pitch – and vice versa! , Change the fe
2 DDDD Macintosh Installation
MACINTOSH INSTALLATION 10 Requirements To use ReCycle for Macintosh you need the following:• Any Power Macintosh with a CD-ROM drive and 16-bit audio
MACINTOSH INSTALLATION 11 Setting Up The Sampler, MIDI and SCSI ! If you don’t plan to use ReCycle with an external sampler connected via SCSI or MI
MACINTOSH INSTALLATION 12 DDDD Although the built-in sound capabilities on a Macintosh computer are of a high standard, there are professional sampl
MACINTOSH INSTALLATION 13 System Information When ReCycle is running, you will find an additional item on the Apple menu, called “System Information”
MACINTOSH INSTALLATION 14 Memory setting and Audio files Every Macintosh program has a memory setting. This is used to tell the com-puter how much RA
3 DDDD Windows Installation
WINDOWS INSTALLATION 16 Requirements To use ReCycle for Windows you need the following:• An Intel Pentium computer running at 66 MHz or faster.•A 800
WINDOWS INSTALLATION 17 Installing ReCycle 1. On the CD-ROM, double click the icon named "Install ReCycle".2. Follow the instructions in th
Operation Manual by Synkron: Ludvig Carlson, Anders Nordmark and Roger Wiklander.The information in this document is subject to change without notic
WINDOWS INSTALLATION 18 Verifying that the Sampler is registered by Windows When Windows starts you should get an alert saying that “Windows has foun
WINDOWS INSTALLATION19Audio SettingsAfter launching ReCycle, you should open the Preferences dialog on the Edit menu and check the Audio Card Driver s
WINDOWS INSTALLATION20Setting the Audio Card Buffer ASIOIf an ASIO driver is selected, there will be no “Buffer Size” slider in the Prefer-ences dialo
WINDOWS INSTALLATION21ContactsThe next items on the Help menu allow you to contact Propellerhead Software for support and more info.! For these items
WINDOWS INSTALLATION22SCSIThis section indicates which version of ASPI (the protocol for SCSI communica-tion under Windows) is installed. The pop-up m
4DDDD Quick Tour of ReCycle
QUICK TOUR OF RECYCLE24How ReCycle WorksThere are many things you can do with ReCycle. But the most common applica-tion is to slice a loop for tempo c
QUICK TOUR OF RECYCLE25Using ReCycle - Step By Step The text below assumes that you have installed ReCycle and a sequencer pro-gram such as Cubase and
QUICK TOUR OF RECYCLE267. Drag the Left and Right Locators until the loop is exactly 1 bar long.The left locator should be positioned at the start of
QUICK TOUR OF RECYCLE2714. Pull down the Sampler menu and select the top item on the menu (“Transmit to...”), depending on what you selected in the pr
DDDD Table of Contents
QUICK TOUR OF RECYCLE28Exporting to FileBesides creating REX2 files for use in audio sequencers, or transmitting sepa-rate slices to samplers, ReCycle
5DDDD Sampler Settings
SAMPLER SETTINGS30The Sampler Settings dialog! If you are not using ReCycle with a sampler connected to the com-puter, you can skip this chapter.! For
SAMPLER SETTINGS31DDDDIf a sampler is found, that isn’t properly connected, ReCycle will in-form you of this and tell you what you need to do.For exam
SAMPLER SETTINGS32Common to both protocols is the ability to send samples between any two de-vices in a commonly recognized format. See the “Sampler a
SAMPLER SETTINGS33Deleting a Sampler from the listIf you wish to remove a sampler from the Sampler List, proceed as follows:1. Pull down the Sampler p
6DDDD Opening and Receiving Audio
OPENING AND RECEIVING AUDIO36About Sounds and MemoryWhenever ReCycle displays audio in a window, it has to load it into the com-puter’s RAM memory. Ma
OPENING AND RECEIVING AUDIO37File InformationWhen you select a file in the list, information about file type, length, etc. is shown in the lower part
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 5 Introduction 6 Welcome to ReCycle 2.0!6 What can I do with ReCycle?6 Copyright Issues7 About This Manual 9 Macintosh Installati
OPENING AND RECEIVING AUDIO38Using Drag and DropReCycle supports standard Drag and Drop. Proceed as follows:1. In the Finder/Explorer, locate an audio
OPENING AND RECEIVING AUDIO39If the “Do you want to move the left locator...” dialog appearsIf you Open or Receive a sample, and there is no loop sett
7DDDD The ReCycle Window
THE RECYCLE WINDOW42Window OverviewTool BarThe left half of the Toolbar contains the following items:The right half of the Toolbar contains the follow
THE RECYCLE WINDOW43Status BarThe Status Bar is located at the bottom of the screen (MacOS) or at the bottom of the application window (Win). The left
THE RECYCLE WINDOW44Handling WindowsYou can Open or Receive as many loops as RAM permits, and they will each ap-pear in a window.• For more informatio
THE RECYCLE WINDOW45Magnifying using the Thumbnail OverviewDDDDThe method of making up a rectangle with the [Command] key (Ma-cOS) / [Control] key (Wi
THE RECYCLE WINDOW46The View MenuThe View menu features the following items that relate to how the waveform is displayed:Magnify to Fit/Magnify to fit
THE RECYCLE WINDOW47Context Menu ItemsRight-clicking (Windows) or [Ctrl]-clicking (MacOS) in different areas of the waveform display will bring up con
TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 41 The ReCycle Window 42 Window Overview44 Handling Windows44 Magnification, Song Position and Scrolling45 Waveform Display Optio
THE RECYCLE WINDOW48Slice HandlesRight-clicking (Windows) or [Ctrl]-clicking (MacOS) directly on a slice handle, brings up a context menu with the fol
8DDDD Playing Audio
PLAYING AUDIO50Audio QualityReCycle plays back audio directly from your computer, using the sound capabil-ities of your specific computer (see the Ins
PLAYING AUDIO51The current Slice is indicated in the ReCycle window by a dotted vertical Slice marker.DDDDUsing the numeric keypadThe keys [7], [8] an
PLAYING AUDIO524. Click the Envelope button, or select “Envelope” from the View menu.The Envelope panel appears below the main toolbar. Envelope allow
9DDDD Setting Slices And Loops
SETTING SLICES AND LOOPS54Using SensitivityMost of the time when working with ReCycle, you will want to cut your loop up into slices. A slice is a sec
SETTING SLICES AND LOOPS55Hiding several Slices at the same TimeIf you have several slices selected (see below) they will all get hidden when you clic
SETTING SLICES AND LOOPS56Using the Lock ToolThe Lock tool is essentially the opposite of the Hide tool. If you lock a slice, by clicking on its marke
SETTING SLICES AND LOOPS57Selecting Slice MarkersSlice markers need to be selected for some operations, like Silence Selected (see page 71 and page 84
SETTING SLICES AND LOOPS58Adding a Slice at any positionDDDDIf you hold down [Option] (MacOS) / [Alt] (Windows), the snap to zero crossing is disabled
SETTING SLICES AND LOOPS59How many Slices do I need?Well, it depends...• If you plan to edit the loop a lot in your MIDI sequencer, you should try to
SETTING SLICES AND LOOPS60Tempo, Time Signature, Bars and BeatsMany of the operations in ReCycle require you to specify how long the loop be-tween the
10DDDD Processing Audio
PROCESSING AUDIO62About the EffectsReCycle features three effect processors, Envelope, Equalizer, and Transient Shaper, that can be used to further ma
PROCESSING AUDIO63Effect ParametersEnvelopeTo open the Envelope processor, click on the Envelope button, or select Enve-lope from the View menu.The En
PROCESSING AUDIO64Transient ShaperTransient Shaper parameters...and the Gain meter.The Transient Shaper is a type of attack/release envelope contro
PROCESSING AUDIO65The Process MenuIn addition to the three Effect processors, there are several other “offline” (non-realtime) audio processing functi
PROCESSING AUDIO66Crop LoopDDDDCrop Loop allows you to trim files, by removing all audio data out-side the left and right locators.If you have set up
PROCESSING AUDIO67Gate SensitivityGate Sensitivity could be described as a type of noise gate. It is triggered (opened) by every active slice start, a
1 DDDD Introduction
11DDDD Transmit and Sampler Options
TRANSMIT AND SAMPLER OPTIONS70Selecting a Sampler to Transmit toTo route the Receive and Transmit functions to a particular sampler, select it from lo
TRANSMIT AND SAMPLER OPTIONS71lution is to open the file in ReCycle, then slice it up and set the length of the loop using the normal techniques. Ente
TRANSMIT AND SAMPLER OPTIONS72Program NameUsing this field you can specify a name for the Programs you are about to create in the sampler.• You can sp
TRANSMIT AND SAMPLER OPTIONS734. Transmit/Export the Program.A new Program is created in the sampler. It will get all the settings of the Template. Th
12DDDD Saving and Exporting
SAVING AND EXPORTING76Saving ReCycle DocumentsIf you have opened an audio file and worked on the slices and other settings, you can save it as a ReCyc
SAVING AND EXPORTING77File FormatsThe File Format pop-up is where you select the file format you wish to export the file as. The following file format
INTRODUCTION 6 Welcome to ReCycle 2.0! First of all we’d like to thank you for purchasing ReCycle 2.0! You are now in possession of a unique tool whi
SAVING AND EXPORTING78Export Settings Before exporting a file in one of the supported formats, the Export Settings dia-log is shown. The following ite
SAVING AND EXPORTING79Normally you will create MIDI Files as a part of the transmission process (by clicking “MIDI File+Transmit” in the Transmit dial
13DDDD Example Applications
EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS82Which Samples will work?All. But although ReCycle does a very intelligent analysis of the sample to find the individual “hits” o
EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS83Slicing for Tempo Changes - Sampler and REX 1. Open or Receive the sample.2. Raise the Sensitivity Slider until a lot of slices
EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS84Slicing for Editing If your main goal is to edit the loop, rather than changing its tempo, you may take a slightly different app
EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS85Extracting a Groove If you think about it, you will realize that all ReCycle MIDI Files are actually timing maps of how the drum
EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS86Extracting SoundsThis can be used to extract single sounds (snares, hi-hats etc.) from a loop or other recording. It can also be
DDDD Index
INTRODUCTION 7 About This Manual MacOS vs. Windows The documentation is both for the MacOS and Windows versions of ReCycle 2.0. Most pictures show th
INDEX88AAcrobat Reader 10, 16Add Sampler 31AIFF files 37, 77Arrow Tool 43, 57Audio Buffer Size 20Audio Card Driver 19Audio PlaybackLoop 50Memory for 3
INDEX89MMagnification 44Magnify To Fit 46MemoryAllocating 14And Sounds 36Fragmentation of 36Transmit and Export 70MIDI Connection (Macintosh) 11MIDI C
INDEX90SlicesAdding & Moving Manually 57Adding using Sensitivity 54Auditioning 50Hiding 54Locking 56Selecting 57Song Position 44Sound Designer II
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