Propellerhead Reason - 2.0 Instrukcja Operacji

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, Operation Manual
, English
Digital Sampler , 14 Channel Expandable Mixer , Master Song Sequencer , Multiple Effects Processors Analog Polysynth , Shelving and Parametric EQs
REX-loop Player Pattern Sequencer Drum Machine , ReBirth Input Device , 64 Channel Audio Output , 64 Channel ReWire Output
, Operation Manual
, English
Digital Sampler , 14 Channel Expandable Mixer , Master Song Sequencer , Multiple Effects Processors Analog Polysynth , Shelving and Parametric EQs
REX-loop Player Pattern Sequencer Drum Machine , ReBirth Input Device , 64 Channel Audio Output , 64 Channel ReWire Output
Przeglądanie stron 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 265 266

Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - , Operation Manual

, Operation ManualVersion 2.0, EnglishDigital Sampler , 14 Channel Expandable Mixer , Master Song Sequencer , Multiple Effects Processors Analog Po

Strona 2

The Sequencer 8 Recording Recording and Playback Basics The basic procedures for recording and playback are described in the Getting Started book. He

Strona 3

Redrum98Others|Connection|DescriptionSend Out 1-2 Outputs for the send signals controlled with the S1 and S2 knobs, as described on page 94.Stereo Out

Strona 4 - Table of Contents

12DDDD Subtractor Synthesizer

Strona 5

Subtractor Synthesizer100IntroductionSubtractor is an analog-type polyphonic synthesizer based on subtractive syn-thesis, the method used in analog sy

Strona 6

Subtractor Synthesizer101! Please note that the descriptions of the waveforms sound or timbre is merely meant to provide a basic guideline, and should

Strona 7 - 257 Index

Subtractor Synthesizer102Setting Oscillator 1 Frequency - Octave/Semitone/CentBy clicking the corresponding up/down buttons you can tune, i.e. change

Strona 8

Subtractor Synthesizer103Noise GeneratorThe Noise Generator could be viewed as an oscillator that produces noise in-stead of a pitched waveform. Noise

Strona 9

Subtractor Synthesizer104When phase offset modulation is activated, the oscillator creates a second waveform of the same shape and offsets it by the a

Strona 10 - Recording

Subtractor Synthesizer105Using the Noise Generator as the Modulator sourceAs explained earlier, the Noise Generator is internally routed to the Osc 2

Strona 11

Subtractor Synthesizer106DDDD24 dB Lowpass (LP 24)Lowpass filters lets low frequencies pass and cuts out the high frequencies. This filter type has a

Strona 12 - Recording Pattern Changes

Subtractor Synthesizer107DDDDBandpass (BP 12)A bandpass filter cuts both high and low frequencies, while midrange fre-quencies are not affected. Each

Strona 13

The Sequencer 9 Recording automation of a device parameter 1. Make sure there is a sequencer track for the device. For the instrument devices and the

Strona 14 - Patterns to Sequencer

Subtractor Synthesizer108DDDDNotchA notch filter (or band reject filter) could be described as the opposite of a bandpass filter. It cuts off frequenc

Strona 15

Subtractor Synthesizer109Filter 2 A very useful and unusual feature of the Subtractor Synthesizer is the presence of an additional 12dB/Oct lowpass fi

Strona 16 - Editing - About Snap

Subtractor Synthesizer110DecayAfter the maximum value has been reached, the value starts to drop. How long this should take is governed by the Decay p

Strona 17 - Editing in the Arrange

Subtractor Synthesizer111Mod EnvelopeThe Mod Envelope allows you to select one of a number of parameters, or Des-tinations, to control with the envelo

Strona 18 - Deleting Events

Subtractor Synthesizer112DestinationThe available LFO 1 Destinations are as follows:SyncBy clicking this button you activate/deactivate LFO sync. The

Strona 19 - Inserting and Removing Bars

Subtractor Synthesizer113RateThe Rate knob controls the LFO’s frequency. Turn clockwise for a faster modu-lation rate.AmountThis parameter determines

Strona 20 - Using Groups

Subtractor Synthesizer114The following parameters can be velocity controlled:Pitch Bend and Modulation WheelsThe Pitch Bend wheel is used for “bending

Strona 21 - Resizing Groups

Subtractor Synthesizer115Modulation WheelThe Modulation wheel can be set to simultaneously control a number of param-eters. You can set positive or ne

Strona 22 - Editing with Groups

Subtractor Synthesizer116External ModulationSubtractor can receive common MIDI controller messages, and route these to various parameters. The followi

Strona 23 - The Edit View

Subtractor Synthesizer117ConnectionsFlipping the Subtractor around reveals a plethora of connection possibilities, most of which are CV/Gate related.

Strona 24 - Drawing and Editing Notes

The Sequencer 10 Background: How recorded controllers are handled Even though the recording procedures are practically the same, the sequencer handle

Strona 25 - Selecting notes

Subtractor Synthesizer118

Strona 26 - About resizing drum notes

13DDDD Malström Synthesizer

Strona 27 - Editing velocity

Malström Synthesizer120IntroductionThe Malström is a polyphonic synthesizer with a great number of different rout-ing possibilities. It is based on th

Strona 28 - Editing Controllers

Malström Synthesizer121The Oscillator sectionThe two oscillators (osc:A and osc:B) of the Malström are the actual sound gen-erators, and the rest of t

Strona 29

Malström Synthesizer122Controlling playback of the graintableEach oscillator features three controls that determine how the loaded grainta-bles are pl

Strona 30

Malström Synthesizer123The Modulator sectionThe Malström features two Modulators (mod:A and mod:B) These are in fact an-other type of oscillators, cal

Strona 31 - Inserting Pattern Changes

Malström Synthesizer124DDDDNote that these knobs are bi-polar, which means that if a knob is in the middle position, no modulation is applied. If you

Strona 32

Malström Synthesizer125DDDDTo activate/deactivate a filter, click the On/Off button in the top left corner.When a filter is activated, the button is l

Strona 33 - Quantizing

Malström Synthesizer126Filter controlsEach filter contains the following four controls:DDDDKbd (keyboard tracking)By clicking this button so that it i

Strona 34 - The Change Events Dialog

Malström Synthesizer127The ShaperBefore filter:A is an optional waveshaper. Waveshaping is a synthesis method for transforming sounds by altering the

Strona 35

The Sequencer 11 DDDD You can punch in on recorded pattern changes, to replace a section of the track. This works the same as punching in on control

Strona 36 - MIDI Files

Malström Synthesizer128RoutingThe Malström puts you in total control of how the signal should be routed from the oscillators, through the filters and

Strona 37 - Routing Audio and CV

Malström Synthesizer129Both oscillators with one filter eachWith this configuration, the signals from osc:A and osc:B will go to filter:A and filter:B

Strona 38 - About Cables

Malström Synthesizer130The output controlsThese two parameters control the output from the Malström in the following way:VolumeThis knob controls the

Strona 39 - Automatic Routing

Malström Synthesizer131The Pitch Bend and Modulation wheels• The Pitch Bend wheel is used for bending the pitch of notes, much like bending the string

Strona 40 - Manual Routing

Malström Synthesizer132The Modulation wheel controlsThe Modulation wheel can be set to control a number of parameters. You can set positive or negativ

Strona 41 - Using CV and Gate

Malström Synthesizer133Sequencer ControlThe Sequencer Control CV and Gate inputs allow you to play the Malström from another CV/Gate device (typically

Strona 42

Malström Synthesizer134Connecting the signal from the Malström itselfIf you connect one or both oscillator outputs to the audio input(s), the internal

Strona 44 - About the Various MIDI

NN-19 Sampler136IntroductionA sampler could be described as a device capable of recording and reproduc-ing audio material, like a tape recorder. Unlik

Strona 45 - Sending MIDI Data to

NN-19 Sampler137About Audio File FormatsThe NN-19 can read audio files in the following formats:• Wave (.wav)• AIFF (.aif)• SoundFonts (.sf2)• REX fil

Strona 46 - Other Applications

The Sequencer 12 Copying REX loops and Patterns to Sequencer Tracks As described on page 188, you need to use the “To Track” function when using the

Strona 47 - Controlling Devices

NN-19 Sampler138About Key Zones and SamplesLoading a Sample into an empty NN-191. Create a new sampler device.2. Click on the sample browser button.Th

Strona 48 - Recording Pattern changes

NN-19 Sampler139Creating Key ZonesA “key zone” is a range of keys, that plays a sample. All key zones together make up a “key map”.To create a new key

Strona 49

NN-19 Sampler140About Key zones, Assigned and Unassigned SamplesWhen you load samples and rearrange your key mapping, you will often end up with sampl

Strona 50 - Introducing ReWire!

NN-19 Sampler141✪ If all samples originate from different sources, and all or most of them are pitched slightly different (a not uncommon sampling sce

Strona 51 - Launching and Quitting

NN-19 Sampler142Automap SamplesIf you have a number of samples that belong together, but haven’t mapped them to key zones you can use the “Automap Sam

Strona 52 - Routing Audio

NN-19 Sampler143NN-19 Synth ParametersThe NN-19 synth parameters are used to shape and modulate samples. These are mostly similar to the parameters us

Strona 53 - Channels to Audio Tracks

NN-19 Sampler144The Filter SectionFilters are used for shaping the overall timbre of the sound. The filter in NN-19 is a multimode filter with five fi

Strona 54 - ReWire Hosts

NN-19 Sampler145Envelope SectionEnvelope generators are used to control several important sound parameters in analog synthesizers, such as pitch, volu

Strona 55

NN-19 Sampler146WaveformLFO 1 allows you to select different waveforms for modulating parameters. These are (from the top down):DestinationThe availab

Strona 56 - MIDI Remote Mapping

NN-19 Sampler147Velocity ControlVelocity is used to control various parameters according to how hard or soft you play notes on your keyboard. A common

Strona 57 - Enabling MIDI Remote

The Sequencer 13 Redrum notes When you use this function with the Redrum, you should note the following:• The notes will have the pitch of the corres

Strona 58 - Editing MIDI Remote Mapping

NN-19 Sampler148RetrigThis is the “normal” setting for playing polyphonic patches. That is, when you press a key without releasing the previous, the e

Strona 59 - Keyboard Remote

NN-19 Sampler149ConnectionsOn the back panel of the NN-19 you will find the connectors, which are mostly CV/Gate related. Audio OutputsThese are the m

Strona 61

15DDDD NN-XT Sampler

Strona 62 - External Device

NN-XT Sampler152IntroductionFeaturesThe basic functions of the NN-XT are very similar to those of its sampler com-panion in the Reason rack - the NN-1

Strona 63 - Same Computer

NN-XT Sampler153Loading Complete Patches and REX FilesAs previously alluded, you can load complete sample patches as well as individ-ual samples into

Strona 64 - Considerations

NN-XT Sampler154Using the Main PanelAll of the controls on the main panel are used for globally modifying certain pa-rameters for all of the samples i

Strona 65 - About Tempo Changes

NN-XT Sampler155High Quality InterpolationThis switch turns High Quality Interpolation on and off. When it is activated, the sample pitch is calculate

Strona 66

NN-XT Sampler156Overview of the Remote Editor panelIt is in the Remote Editor Panel that the main NN-XT action is going on, espe-cially if you’re crea

Strona 67 - Optimizing Performance

NN-XT Sampler157Sample ParametersThis area shows the current values of basic parameters you can set for each separate zone, such as root key, play mod

Strona 68 - Optimization and Output

The Sequencer 14 Editing - About Snap When you select and edit material (both in the Arrange View and the Edit View), the Snap (Snap to Grid) functio

Strona 69 - Computer System

NN-XT Sampler158Selections and Edit FocusAlmost all operations in the remote editor are performed on one or more se-lected zones or on the zone with e

Strona 70 - Optimizing Songs

NN-XT Sampler159Selecting zones via MIDIYou can also select zones via your MIDI keyboard. By clicking the button marked “Select zones via MIDI” above

Strona 71 - Requirements

NN-XT Sampler160Adjusting ParametersAdjusting Synth ParametersThe synth parameters are the ones that occupy the bulk of the remote editor panel (see p

Strona 72

NN-XT Sampler161Managing Zones and SamplesCreating a Key MapWhen you add an NN-XT sampler to the rack, its key map display is always empty. That is, i

Strona 73 - Transport Panel

NN-XT Sampler162Adding More Samples to the Key MapYou can add additional samples to an existing key map in the same way as de-scribed above.1. Make su

Strona 74 - Overview

NN-XT Sampler163Duplicating ZonesYou can duplicate any number of already existing zones (containing samples or empty). 1. Select the zone(s) you want

Strona 75

NN-XT Sampler164Moving a Group to another Position in the ListDDDDClick on the group in the Groups column and drag up or down with the mouse button pr

Strona 76 - Audio Out Clipping Indicator

NN-XT Sampler1654. Repeat the procedure with as many zones as you wish, to create a complete key map.By using the Lo Key and Hi Key controlsDirectly b

Strona 77 - CPU Meter

NN-XT Sampler166Moving Zones by Dragging the Zone BoxesYou can also move entire zones horizontally, thereby changing their key ranges.1. Select all th

Strona 78

NN-XT Sampler167Sorting Zones by NoteThe Edit menu and the NN-XT context menu contains an item called “Sort Zones by Note”. This option lets you autom

Strona 79 - Reason Hardware Interface

The Sequencer 15 Editing in the Arrange View The Arrange View allows you to view several tracks at the same time, and pro-vides a good overview of th

Strona 80 - MIDI In Device

NN-XT Sampler168Tuning Samples Manually In addition to setting the root note, you may need to fine tune your samples, in or-der for them to match othe

Strona 81 - Audio Out

NN-XT Sampler169Layered, Crossfaded and Velocity Switched SoundsCreating Layered SoundsYou can set things up so that two or more zones have overlappin

Strona 82

NN-XT Sampler170Overlapping Velocity RangesLet’s change the values above slightly:DDDDZone 1 has a velocity range from 1-60.DDDDZone 2 has a velocity

Strona 83 - The Mixer

NN-XT Sampler17 1About Crossfading Between ZonesAt the bottom right in the sample parameter area are two knobs marked “Fade In” and “Fade Out”. These

Strona 84 - The Channel Strip

NN-XT Sampler172Setting Crossfading for a ZoneManuallyTo set up a crossfade for a zone, proceed as follows:1. Select one or more zones that you want t

Strona 85 - Channel Strip Controls:

NN-XT Sampler173Sample ParametersThe Sample parameter area is found below the screen. For details on how to ad-just them (depending on whether one or

Strona 86 - The Master Fader

NN-XT Sampler174AltThis parameter is described on page 172.OutThe NN-XT features eight separate stereo output pairs (see page 184). For each zone, you

Strona 87

NN-XT Sampler175Legato and RetrigLegatoLegato works best with monophonic sounds. Set Key Poly (see above) to 1 and try the following:DDDDHold down a k

Strona 88 - Chaining Mixers

NN-XT Sampler176The following parameters can be modulated:F.FreqThis sets modulation control of the Filter’s cutoff frequency (see page 179).Mod DecTh

Strona 89

NN-XT Sampler177The Velocity controlsVelocity is used for controlling various parameters according to how hard or soft you play notes on your keyboard

Strona 90

The Sequencer16Duplicating EventsTo duplicate the selected events, hold down [Option] (Mac) or [Ctrl] (Windows) and proceed as when moving events.DDDD

Strona 91 - Using Patches

NN-XT Sampler178The Pitch sectionThis section contains various parameters related to controlling the pitch, or fre-quency, of the zones. Pitch Bend Ra

Strona 92

NN-XT Sampler179The Filter SectionFilters can be used for shaping the character of the sound. The filter in NN-XT is a multimode filter with six diffe

Strona 93 - Step Dynamics

NN-XT Sampler180The Modulation EnvelopeThe Modulation Envelope parameters let you control how certain parameters, or destinations, should change over

Strona 94 - The Pattern Enable switch

NN-XT Sampler181The Amplitude EnvelopeThe Amplitude Envelope parameters let you control how the volume of a sound should change over time - from the m

Strona 95 - Redrum Parameters

NN-XT Sampler182The LFOsNN-XT features two Low Frequency Oscillators - LFO 1 and LFO 2. “Normal” oscillators generate a waveform and a frequency, and

Strona 96 - Level and Velocity

NN-XT Sampler183Waveform (LFO 1 only)Here, you select which type of waveform should be used for modulating the des-tination parameters.Click the butto

Strona 97

NN-XT Sampler184ConnectionsOn the back panel of NN-XT are a number of connectors. Many of these are CV/Gate related. Using CV/Gate is described in the

Strona 98 - Global Settings

16DDDD Dr. Rex Loop Player

Strona 99 - Using Redrum as a Sound

Dr. Rex Loop Player186IntroductionThe Dr.Rex Loop Player is capable of playing back and editing files created in ReCycle, another product created by P

Strona 100

Dr. Rex Loop Player187Adding a LoopTo add a loop into the Dr.Rex Loop Player, proceed as follows:1. Open the browser by selecting “Browse ReCycle/REX

Strona 101 - Subtractor Synthesizer

The Sequencer17Deleting events by single clickingDDDDSelect the Eraser tool and click on the event you want to delete.When using the Eraser tool to de

Strona 102 - The Oscillator Section

Dr. Rex Loop Player188Creating Sequencer NotesTo be able to make your REX loop start at the same time as other sequencer or pattern data, you first ha

Strona 103

Dr. Rex Loop Player189Slice HandlingSelecting SlicesA selected slice is indicated by being highlighted in the waveform display. To se-lect a slice, us

Strona 104 - Oscillator 2 Waveform

Dr. Rex Loop Player190Dr.Rex Synth ParametersThe Dr.Rex synth parameters are used for shaping and modulating the sound of the REX loops. These paramet

Strona 105 - Phase Offset Modulation

Dr. Rex Loop Player191Filter Frequency The Filter Frequency parameter (often referred to as “cutoff”) determines which area of the frequency spectrum

Strona 106 - Frequency Modulation (FM)

Dr. Rex Loop Player192LFO SectionLFO stands for Low Frequency Oscillator. LFOs are oscillators in the sense that they generate a waveform and a freque

Strona 107 - The Filter Section

Dr. Rex Loop Player193Velocity ControlVelocity is usually used to control various parameters according to how hard or soft you play notes on your keyb

Strona 108

Dr. Rex Loop Player194Setting Number of Voices - PolyphonyThis determines the polyphony, i.e. the number of voices, or slices, Dr.Rex can play simulta

Strona 109

Dr. Rex Loop Player195ConnectionsOn the back panel of Dr.Rex you will find the connectors, which are mostly CV/Gate related. Using CV/Gate is describe

Strona 111 - Envelopes - General

17DDDD Matrix Pattern Sequencer

Strona 112 - Filter Envelope

Operation Manual by Synkron: Ludvig Carlson, Anders Nordmark and Roger Wiklander.The information in this document is subject to change without notic

Strona 113 - LFO Section

The Sequencer18Using GroupsSometimes it is practical to work with a section of events as one entity. This is done by Grouping the events. You may for

Strona 114 - LFO 2 Parameters

Matrix Pattern Sequencer198IntroductionThe Matrix is a pattern-based device. Matrix doesn’t generate sound on its own, but has to be connected to anot

Strona 115 - Play Parameters

Matrix Pattern Sequencer199Programming Patterns! Pattern programming basics is covered in “Programming Pattern Devices”.TutorialThe programming proced

Strona 116 - Pitch Bend Range

Matrix Pattern Sequencer200DDDDIf you now click or drag in the upper grid section with the pattern playing, you can hear how the note pitches change.T

Strona 117 - Portamento (Time)

Matrix Pattern Sequencer201About Unipolar and Bipolar CurvesOn the back panel of the Matrix you will find a switch, allowing you to select be-tween “U

Strona 118 - External Modulation

Matrix Pattern Sequencer202Setting Pattern ResolutionMatrix always follows the tempo setting on the transport panel, but you can also make Matrix play

Strona 119 - Connections

Matrix Pattern Sequencer203Chaining Patterns! Selecting Patterns and Banks and using Cut, Copy and Paste with Patterns is described in the chapter “Pr

Strona 120

Matrix Pattern Sequencer204Example UsageAs mentioned previously, the Matrix is a very flexible device. Here follows a few examples of how you can use

Strona 121 - Malström Synthesizer

Matrix Pattern Sequencer205Triggering SamplesThe Gate CV output can be used to trigger samples, either in Redrum or in the NN-19 or NN-XT Sampler.DDDD

Strona 122

Matrix Pattern Sequencer206

Strona 123 - The Oscillator section

18DDDD ReBirth Input Machine

Strona 124 - The amplitude envelopes

The Sequencer19Selecting GroupsTo select a Group, just click on it in the Arrange View.This Group is selected.DDDDIf you hold down [Shift] and click,

Strona 125 - The Modulator section

ReBirth Input Machine208IntroductionThe ReBirth Input Machine is a device dedicated to receiving audio from the Propellerhead program “ReBirth RB-338”

Strona 126 - The Filter section

19DDDD The Effect Devices

Strona 127 - Filter types

The Effect Devices210Common Device FeaturesWhile the specific parameters for each device are described below, some fea-tures and procedures are common

Strona 128 - The Filter Envelope

The Effect Devices211RV-7 Digital ReverbReverb adds ambience and creates a space effect. Normally, reverb simulates some kind of acoustic environment

Strona 129 - The Shaper

The Effect Devices212DDL-1 Digital Delay LineThis is a mono delay (with the output pannable in stereo) that can be synchro-nized to the song tempo. Th

Strona 130 - Routing examples

The Effect Devices213D-11 Foldback DistortionThe D-11 is a simple but effective distortion effect, capable of producing any-thing from just a whisper

Strona 131 - Adding the shaper

The Effect Devices214The Filter ParametersThe ECF-42 filter section has the following parameters:The Envelope ParametersThis is a standard envelope ge

Strona 132 - The play controls

The Effect Devices215Pattern Controlled Filter - An ExampleThis example shows how to use the ECF-42 and the Matrix to create pattern controlled filter

Strona 133 - The Velocity controls

The Effect Devices216CF-101 Chorus/FlangerThe CF-101 is a combined chorus and flanger effect. It adds depth and move-ment to the sound by adding a sho

Strona 134

The Effect Devices217Tip: Using the CF-101 as a vibrato effectThe Send mode is intended for when using the CF-101 as a send effect. In this mode, the

Strona 135 - Routing external audio to

The Sequencer20Dividing GroupsYou can divide a Group into two by clicking with the Pencil tool at the desired position and dragging to the end of the

Strona 136

The Effect Devices218ParametersCV InputsThe following CV inputs are available on the back panel of the device:DDDDFreq CV.Adjusts the frequency parame

Strona 137 - NN-19 Sampler

The Effect Devices219COMP-01 Auto Make-up Gain CompressorThe COMP-01 compressor levels out the audio, by making loud sounds softer. To compensate for

Strona 138 - Principles

The Effect Devices220PEQ-2 Two Band Parametric EQWhile there is a simple two-band shelving equalizer available for each channel in the mixer, the PEQ-

Strona 139 - About Audio File Formats

20DDDD Menu and Dialog Reference

Strona 140 - About Key Zones and

Menu and Dialog Reference222Reason Menu (Mac OS X)About ReasonThis menu item opens up a dialog that informs you about the version of the pro-gram and

Strona 141 - Deleting a Key Zone

Menu and Dialog Reference223Song Information...This brings up a dialog that allows you to add contact information, comments about the song, etc. Furth

Strona 142 - The Sample knob

Menu and Dialog Reference224Song Self-contain Settings...A self-contained song contains not only the references to the used files, but also the files

Strona 143 - Looping Samples

Menu and Dialog Reference225Import MIDI File...Reason can import standard MIDI files (SMF). This allows you to import MIDI data to Reason from other a

Strona 144 - Automap Samples

Menu and Dialog Reference2261. Make sure only the main stereo outputs are used.The export function will only include audio routed to the stereo output

Strona 145 - NN-19 Synth Parameters

Menu and Dialog Reference227DDDDYou can also Paste the track(s) into another song.Note that only the tracks (complete with contents) are copied and pa

Strona 146

The Sequencer21The Edit ViewThe Edit View allows you to perform detailed editing to the events on a single track. This is also where you create notes,

Strona 147 - Envelope Section

Menu and Dialog Reference228If referenced samples are missingPatches for the Redrum, NN-19 and NN-XT contain references to samples. Just like patches,

Strona 148

Menu and Dialog Reference229Automap SamplesThis menu item applies to the NN 19 Sampler. If you have a number of samples that belong together but haven

Strona 149 - Velocity Control

Menu and Dialog Reference230Copy REX Loop to TrackThis menu item is used for the Dr. Rex loop player device. To be able to make your REX loop start at

Strona 150

Menu and Dialog Reference231The Alter Pattern function modifies existing patterns. Note that there must be something in the pattern for the function t

Strona 151

Menu and Dialog Reference2321. Select the track with the pattern changes.2. Select “Convert Pattern Track to Notes” from the Edit menu or the context

Strona 152

Menu and Dialog Reference233Change Events...The Change Events dialog contains some special editing functions. Proceed as follows:1. Select the events

Strona 153 - NN-XT Sampler

Menu and Dialog Reference234DDDDThe function will only “use” values that already exist among the se-lected notes.For example, if you have selected not

Strona 154 - Panel Overview

Menu and Dialog Reference235Sort Zones by NoteThis menu item is used with the NN-XT sampler. This option lets you automati-cally sort the selected zon

Strona 155 - Patches and REX Files

Menu and Dialog Reference236DDDDThe zones will be assigned key ranges according to the root keys.The key ranges are set up so that the split between t

Strona 156 - Using the Main Panel

Menu and Dialog Reference237Show Parameter Value Tool TipNormally, if you hold the mouse pointer over a parameter on a device panel for a moment, a To

Strona 157 - Global Controls

The Sequencer22DDDDThe Hand tool can be used for scrolling the view.Just click, hold and drag in the desired direction.DDDDFor extensive editing, you

Strona 158 - Editor panel

Menu and Dialog Reference238Preferences – AudioMaster TuneThis lets you adjust the global tuning in Reason. Standard tuning is “middle A” at 440 Hz. Y

Strona 159 - About Samples and Zones

Menu and Dialog Reference239This makes use of Windows Multimedia Extensions, the part of Windows that handles audio, MIDI, etc. Using MME often result

Strona 160 - Selections and Edit Focus

Menu and Dialog Reference240Active Channels (ASIO and CoreAudio Only)This displays the number of audio channels (outputs) the currently selected au-di

Strona 161 - Moving Edit Focus

Menu and Dialog Reference241Latency CompensationThis control should normally only be adjusted when synchronizing Reason to ex-ternal MIDI Clock.Becaus

Strona 162 - Adjusting Parameters

Menu and Dialog Reference242Preferences – Sound LocationsSound and Patch Search PathsReason songs and patches can contain references to other files on

Strona 163 - Managing Zones and

Menu and Dialog Reference243Create MenuSequencer TrackTracks are automatically created when you create instrument devices in the rack. Still, you may

Strona 164 - A newly added empty zone

Menu and Dialog Reference244Edit Keyboard RemoteDDDDTo get an overview of which parameters are remote controllable se-lect “Edit Keyboard Remote” from

Strona 165 - Working with Grouping

Menu and Dialog Reference245Clear All MIDI Remote MappingThis menu command removes all MIDI Remote mapping that you have set up for the song.Toggle Ra

Strona 166 - Working with Key Ranges

Menu and Dialog Reference246Windows Menu (Mac OS Version)Detach/Attach Sequencer WindowSelecting this will detach the sequencer pane from the rack, an

Strona 167

Menu and Dialog Reference247Register Reason NowThis takes you to the Propellerhead Software registration pages. Once regis-tered you can download free

Strona 168 - Dragging multiple zones

The Sequencer23background colors of the grid, making it easier to find the right pitch when drawing and moving notes!This is the lane to use when edit

Strona 169 - Setting Root Notes and

Menu and Dialog Reference248

Strona 170 - Using Automap

21DDDD About Audio on Computers

Strona 171 - Velocity Switched Sounds

About Audio on Computers250General InformationAudio QualityThe general audio quality in a computer based synthesizer system depends on two things:DDDD

Strona 172 - Overlapping Velocity Ranges

About Audio on Computers251Reason’s built in sequencer is not affected by latency!When Reason’s sequencer is playing back a song, the timing between n

Strona 173

About Audio on Computers252PC Specific InformationAbout ASIO DirectX, MME and the Sound Buffer settingThere are three ways for Windows to access an au

Strona 174 - Using Alternate

About Audio on Computers253Macintosh Specific InformationMac OS XUnder Mac OS X, all communication with most audio hardware can be handled by the int

Strona 175 - Sample Parameters

About Audio on Computers254

Strona 176 - Group Parameters

22DDDD MIDI Implementation

Strona 177 - Synth parameters

MIDI Implementation256About This ChapterThis chapter briefly describes the way various MIDI messages are implemented in Reason. It is mainly intended

Strona 178

DDDD Index

Strona 179

The Sequencer24Moving notesDDDDTo move a note, click and drag it to a new position. If several notes are selected, all will be moved. The individual d

Strona 180 - The Pitch section

Index258AADSR 109AlterNotes 33, 233Pattern (Matrix) 202Pattern (Redrum) 93Arrange View 15ASIO Control Panel 66ASIO Driver 252, 253Attach Sequencer Win

Strona 181

Index259CV Trim knobs 39DD-11 Distortion 213DDL-1 Delay 212Decay/Gate Switch 94Default Song 237Delay 212Delete Unused Samples 140Detach Sequencer Wind

Strona 182 - The Modulation Envelope

Index260Get User Groove 32Grooves 32Group Selected Zones 235GroupsNN-XT 163Sequencer 18HHand tool 22Hardware Interface 78Help Menu (Windows) 246Hide A

Strona 183 - The Amplitude Envelope

Index261MIDI Clock Input 42MIDI Files 34MIDI In Device 78MIDI InputsAbout 42Setting Up 43MIDI RemoteClearing 245Mapping 56Selecting Input 54MIDI Sync

Strona 184 - The LFOs

Index262Pattern ChangesClearing 30Converting patterns to notes 13Editing 29Recording 10Pattern Controlled Filter 215Pattern Shuffle 92PatternsMatrix 1

Strona 185

Index263Ring Modulation (Subtractor) 105RoutingAutomatic 37Manual 38Pop-up Menu 38Run button 90RV-7 Reverb 211SS1/S2 controls 94Sample RateFor Playbac

Strona 186

Index264Splash Picture 223StereoConsiderations 68In Effect Devices 210SubtractorAbout 100External Modulation 116Filter 105Oscillators 100Waveforms 101

Strona 187 - Dr. Rex Loop Player

The Sequencer25Deleting notesYou can delete notes in two ways: DDDDSelect them and press [Backspace] or [Delete], or select Delete from the Edit menu.

Strona 188 - About File Formats

The Sequencer26Creating velocity ramps and curvesYou can also edit the velocity of several notes at once, in two ways:DDDDBy dragging the Line tool ac

Strona 189 - Adding a Loop

The Sequencer27DDDDBy using the Controller pop-up menu on the sequencer toolbar, you can hide or show individual controllers from the sequencer.Shown

Strona 191 - Slice Handling

The Sequencer28Selecting sections of a controller trackTo select a section of the “subtrack” for a controller, click and drag a selection rectangle wi

Strona 192 - Dr.Rex Synth Parameters

The Sequencer29Inserting and Editing Pattern ChangesPattern changes are viewed and edited in the Pattern lane:A pattern change is shown as a yellow “t

Strona 193

The Sequencer30Selecting Pattern ChangesTo select a section of Pattern lane, click and drag a selection rectangle with the Arrow tool. If Snap is on,

Strona 194

The Sequencer31QuantizingThe Quantize function moves recorded notes to (or closer to) exact note value positions. This can be used for correcting erro

Strona 195

The Sequencer32Quantizing to GroovesThe Quantize pop-up menu also contains three items named “Groove 1-3”. These are three different, slightly irregul

Strona 196 - Audio Quality Settings

The Sequencer33TransposeThis function transposes the selected notes up or down, by the specified num-ber of semitones.VelocityAdjusts the velocity of

Strona 197

The Sequencer34Importing and Exporting MIDI FilesReason can import and export standard midi files (SMF). This allows you to transfer MIDI data between

Strona 198

2DDDD Routing Audio and CV

Strona 199 - Matrix Pattern Sequencer

Routing Audio and CV36About the various signals that can be routedThis chapter describes the various ways you can route signals in Reason. The followi

Strona 200

Routing Audio and CV37Color CodingCables are color coded in the following way, making it easier to discern between the various connections:• Audio con

Strona 201 - Programming Patterns

Table of Contents 2 1 Table of Contents 7 The Sequencer 8 Recording12 Copying REX loops and Patterns to Sequencer Tracks14 Editing - About Snap15 Edi

Strona 202 - Using Curve Patterns

Routing Audio and CV38Bypassing Auto-RoutingDDDDIf you wish to create a new device, without any auto-routing taking place, press [Shift] when creating

Strona 203 - Using Tied Notes

Routing Audio and CV39Using CV and GateCV/Gate is used for modulating and triggering device parameters. Each sepa-rate Device chapter lists the availa

Strona 204 - Pattern Functions

Routing Audio and CV40

Strona 205 - Chaining Patterns

3DDDD Routing MIDI to Reason

Strona 206 - Example Usage

Routing MIDI to Reason42About the Various MIDI InputsAll MIDI Inputs are set up in the Preferences-MIDI and Preferences-Advanced MIDI dialogs This cha

Strona 207 - Triggering Samples

Routing MIDI to Reason43Sending MIDI Data to ReasonSetting up MIDI Inputs under Mac OS 9Under Mac OS 9, Reason requires OMS to receive MIDI. How to in

Strona 208

Routing MIDI to Reason44Sending MIDI Data from Other ApplicationsUsing ReWire 2The preferred method for sending MIDI data into Reason from another app

Strona 209 - ReBirth Input Machine

Routing MIDI to Reason45Mac OS XAs of this writing, the only way to route MIDI between applications in any practi-cal way is to use ReWire 2. See page

Strona 210 - Preparations

Routing MIDI to Reason46DDDDYou have sequencer software installed on the same computer as Reason.This requires the “OMS IAC Driver” under Mac OS 9, or

Strona 211 - The Effect Devices

4DDDD Using Reason as a ReWire Slave

Strona 212 - Common Device Features

Table of Contents 3 71 Transport Panel 72 Overview 77 Reason Hardware Interface 78 Introduction78 MIDI In Device79 Audio Out 81 The Mixer 82 Introduc

Strona 213 - RV-7 Digital Reverb

Using Reason as a ReWire Slave48About this ChapterThis chapter describes how to use Reason as a ReWire slave, that is with Rea-son delivering audio to

Strona 214 - DDL-1 Digital Delay Line

Using Reason as a ReWire Slave49Preparations for Using ReWire - Mac OS 9 onlyWhen you use ReWire, some of the system resources normally occupied by Re

Strona 215 - Controlled Filter

Using Reason as a ReWire Slave50Using the Transport and Tempo ControlsBasic Transport ControlsWhen you run ReWire, the transports in the two programs

Strona 216 - CV/Gate Inputs

Using Reason as a ReWire Slave513. If desired, double click on the labels in the right column, and type in another name.These labels will be used in t

Strona 217

Using Reason as a ReWire Slave52Details About Various ReWire HostsThe Propellerhead Software website provides updated information on how to configure

Strona 218 - CF-101 Chorus/Flanger

5DDDD MIDI and Keyboard Remote Control

Strona 219 - PH-90 Phaser

MIDI and Keyboard Remote Control54IntroductionIt is possible to assign computer keyboard commands and/or MIDI controller messages to most Reason devic

Strona 220 - CV Inputs

MIDI and Keyboard Remote Control55Example MIDI SetupsThere are several possible variables when it comes to what type of MIDI setup you are using. Plea

Strona 221 - Gain Compressor

MIDI and Keyboard Remote Control56Editing MIDI Remote Mapping1. To get an overview of which parameters are MIDI remote controlla-ble select “Edit MIDI

Strona 222 - Parametric EQ

MIDI and Keyboard Remote Control57Keyboard RemoteAssigning keyboard remote commands is very similar to MIDI remote mapping. However, as there is no MI

Strona 223 - Menu and Dialog Reference

Table of Contents 4 151 NN-XT Sampler 152 Introduction152 Panel Overview153 Loading Complete Patches and REX Files154 Using the Main Panel156 Overvie

Strona 224 - File Menu

MIDI and Keyboard Remote Control58Saving Remote SetupsMIDI or Keyboard Remote setups are always stored with the song. But perhaps you wish to be able

Strona 225 - Publish Song

6DDDD Synchronization

Strona 226 - Song Self-contain Settings

Synchronization60ReWire users – Read This!This chapter is about synchronization via MIDI Clock, and does not apply to us-ers of ReWire. If you are usi

Strona 227 - Export Device Patch

Synchronization61Under Windows, if you can’t find the MIDI Input you want to use, there is either something wrong with the installation of the interfa

Strona 228 - Edit Menu

Synchronization623. Pull down the MIDI Clock pop-up and select the corresponding MIDI routing utility port.Windows: Reason set up to sync to MIDI Cloc

Strona 229 - Browse Device Patches

Synchronization63If Latency Compensation isn’t enoughThere might be situations where you can’t compensate enough in Reason to make two software applic

Strona 231 - Delete Key Zone

7DDDD Optimizing Performance

Strona 232

Optimizing Performance66IntroductionReason is a program of infinite possibilities. You can create as complex songs as you like, using endless racks of

Strona 233

Optimizing Performance67General procedureThe basic procedure for optimizing the latency is the following:1. Open a song and start playback.You want to

Strona 234 - Quantize Notes

Table of Contents 5 255 MIDI Implementation 256 About This Chapter256 How various MIDI messages are Implemented 257 Index

Strona 235 - Change Events

Optimizing Performance68Optimizing SongsBelow follows things you can check and change to make sure your song uses as little computer processing power

Strona 236 - Single adjustment parameters

Optimizing Performance69RedrumDDDDDo not use the Tone feature available on channel 1, 2 and 9.In other words, make sure the Tone controls and their ac

Strona 237 - Automap Zones

Optimizing Performance70

Strona 239 - Use High Resolution Samples

Transport Panel72OverviewThe transport panel has standard controls for the sequencer transport, but also features controls for setting tempo, metronom

Strona 240 - Preferences – Audio

Transport Panel73Tempo and Time SignatureThe tempo and time signature settings can be adjusted on the transport panel. The left tempo field sets the t

Strona 241 - Audio Card Driver – Mac OS 9

Transport Panel74Additional Transport Panel ItemsClickWhen this is activated, you will hear a click on each beat, with an accent on the downbeat of ea

Strona 242

Transport Panel75DDDDIf the Audio Out Clipping indicator lights up, and the signals are be-ing sent directly (not via a Mixer) to your Hardware Interf

Strona 244 - Preferences – Sound Locations

9DDDD Reason Hardware Interface

Strona 245 - Options Menu

Table of Contents 6

Strona 246 - Edit MIDI Remote Mapping

Reason Hardware Interface78IntroductionThe Hardware Interface is where you connect Reason with the “outside world”. This is where MIDI is received, an

Strona 247 - (Windows Version)

Reason Hardware Interface79Audio OutReason supports up to 64 audio output channels.DDDDEach output features a meter and a green indicator which will b

Strona 248 - Help/Contacts Menu

Reason Hardware Interface80

Strona 250

The Mixer82IntroductionThe Mixer 14:2 allows you to control the level, stereo placement (Pan), tone (EQ) and effect mix (AUX Sends) of each connected

Strona 251 - About Audio on Computers

The Mixer83Channel Strip Controls:|Item|Description|Value RangeChannel Fader The channel fader is used to control the output level of each correspondi

Strona 252 - General Information

The Mixer84The Mixer Signal FlowThe basic signal flow of the Mixer 14:2 is as follows:Note that the Solo function is true “in-place” solo, meaning tha

Strona 253 - Reducing latency

The Mixer85ConnectionsAll input and output connectors are as usual located on the back panel of the Mixer 14:2. Special connectors are used for “chain

Strona 254 - PC Specific Information

The Mixer86Chaining MixersTwo chained Mixers are connected like this, the top Mixer being the “Master” Mixer.If you need more Mixer channels, you can

Strona 256

1 DDDD The Sequencer

Strona 257 - MIDI Implementation

Redrum88IntroductionAt first glance, Redrum looks styled after pattern-based drum machines, like the legendary Roland 808/909 units. Indeed, it does h

Strona 258 - Implemented

Redrum89Using PatchesWhen you create a new Redrum device it is empty. Before it can play back any audio you must first load a Redrum patch (or create

Strona 259

Redrum90Creating an Empty PatchTo “initialize” the settings in the Redrum, select “Initialize Patch” from the Edit menu or the device context menu. Th

Strona 260

Redrum915. Select a Redrum channel, by clicking the “Select” button at the bot-tom of the channel.The button lights up, indicating that this channel a

Strona 261

Redrum92DDDDWhen you use different dynamics, the resulting difference in the sound (loudness, pitch, etc.), is governed by the “VEL” knob set-tings fo

Strona 262

Redrum93The Enable Pattern Section switchIf this is deactivated, Redrum will function as a pure “sound module”, i.e. the in-ternal Pattern sequencer i

Strona 263

Redrum94The Effect Sends (S1 & S2)On the back panel of Redrum you will note two audio connections labeled “Send Out” 1 and 2. When you create a Re

Strona 264

Redrum95DDDDIn Gate mode (switch up), the sound will play for the set Length, and then be cut off.Furthermore, if a sound set to Gate mode is played f

Strona 265

Redrum96Sample StartThe Start parameter allows you to adjust the start point of the sample. The higher the Start value, the further the start point is

Strona 266

Redrum97Using Redrum as a Sound ModuleThe drum sounds in Redrum can be played via MIDI notes. Each drum sound is triggered by a specific note number,

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