Propellerhead PX7 Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Strona 2

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER10Here is how the envelope generator works:• When you press a key on the keyboard, the level goes from level L4 to level L1 at the R

Strona 3 - PX7 FM Synthesizer

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER11Since the timbre of frequency modulated sounds can vary a lot depending on where on the keyboard you play, it is necessary to be a

Strona 4 - Introduction

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER12LevelD Set the output level for the operator.• If the operator is a carrier in the selected algorithm, the Level knob controls the

Strona 5 - Using PX7

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER13D With the Delay knob you set the time it should take for the LFO to apply modulation after you hit a key.D Select LFO waveform by

Strona 6 - Algorithm controls

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER14Connections! Remember that CV connections will not be stored in the PX7 patch!Sequencer Control InThe Sequencer Control CV and Gat

Strona 7 - Algorithm

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Propellerhead Software AB. The

Strona 9 - Envelope Generators (EG)

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER4IntroductionThe PX7 Rack Extension is an FM synthesizer cloned on a classic Japanese FM synthesizer from the eighties. The PX7 feat

Strona 10 - Keyboard Level Scaling

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER5Using PX7Loading and saving patchesLoading and saving patches is done in the same way as with any other internal Reason/Reason Esse

Strona 11

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER6Mod wheelThe Mod Wheel can be used for controlling the LFO modulation amount of the pitch and/or amplitude. PX7 also responds to Mo

Strona 12 - Global modulation controls

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER7AlgorithmAn algorithm is basically an operator connection diagram which defines how the six sinewave oscillators are interconnected

Strona 13 - Pitch Envelope

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER8Op FeedbackIn addition to the Algorithm selector is the Op Feedback knob. All algorithms have one operator with a feedback connecti

Strona 14 - Connections

PX7 FM SYNTHESIZER9Velo SensD Turn the Velo Sens knob to set the operator’s amplitude sensitivity to keyboard velocity.LFO SensD Turn the LFO Sens kno

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