Propellerhead Reason - 5.0 - Key Commands Podręcznik Użytkownika

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Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - Key Commands

Version5 Key Commands

Strona 3 - General keyboard shortcuts

Key Commands Manual by: Fredrik HylvanderAnders Nordmark, ScribeThe information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repr

Strona 4 - Transport keyboard shortcuts

3About the Key Commands documentThis document contains a compiled list of all keyboard shortcuts and modifier keys available in Reason Version 5. Keyb

Strona 5 - Sequencer keyboard shortcuts

4General modifier keysTransport keyboard shortcutsCopy Track & Device (track selected in Track List), Copy Clip or Event (depend-ing on current se

Strona 6 - Arrow keys

5Sequencer keyboard shortcutsFunction Key(s)Toggle Arrange/Edit view. [Shift]+[Tab] or [Command]/[Ctrl]+[E]Toggle Song/Blocks view. [B]Select Arrow to

Strona 7 - NN-XT keyboard shortcuts

6Sequencer modifier keysSequencer modifier keys with mouse wheelArrow keysFunction Key/ActionSelect alternate tool [Command]/[Alt]Toggle Pencil/Line t

Strona 8

7Save dialog keyboard shortcutsThese key commands can be used in the save dialog that appears if you close a song document that contains un-saved chan

Strona 9 - RPG-8 keyboard shortcuts

8NN-XT modifier keysDr. Octo Rex keyboard shortcutsDr. Octo Rex modifier keysRedrum keyboard shortcutsRedrum modifier keysKong modifier keysFunction K

Strona 10

9Matrix keyboard shortcutsMatrix modifier keysRPG-8 keyboard shortcutsFunction Key(s)Cut Pattern. [Command]/[Ctrl]+[X]Copy Pattern. [Command]/[Ctrl]+[

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