Getting Started Version5
INSTALLATION10About the Audio HardwareThe audio hardware is the computer equipment that converts the digital signals from Reason to analog au-dio sign
INSTALLATION113. In the Aggregate Device Editor, click the “+” button to create a new aggregate device.If you like, you can rename your new aggregate
INSTALLATION12Regardless of which type of audio hardware or drivers you are using, you should follow these basic steps:1. Make sure you have the lates
INSTALLATION13! If you have several MIDI control surfaces or similar that you want to use, we recommend that you connect them to separate MIDI ports (
INSTALLATION14Launching the programNow, the Reason files have been installed in a folder on your hard disk. Under Windows, all Reason related items ha
Chapter2Setting Up
SETTING UP16About this ChapterThis chapter describes the settings you need to make before you can start using Reason. These are nec-essary in order to
SETTING UP17D If Reason can't find the keyboard you have connected, or if you clicked “Don't Use”, you will be asked to specify a master key
SETTING UP18About the PreferencesThe basic settings for audio and MIDI are done in the Preferences dialog. This is opened from the Edit menu (or, if y
SETTING UP19Setting up the Audio HardwareIn case this wasn’t done in the Setup Wizard, you need to establish a connection between Reason and the audio
Getting Started Manual by Fredrik Hylvander and Anders NordmarkThe information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repre
SETTING UP20Windows!To be able to use both audio inputs and outputs, it’s required that the audio hardware supports ASIO drivers.D If you are using au
SETTING UP21Setting up MIDI In Reason, MIDI keyboards or remote control devices are called control surfaces. MIDI input from control surfaces is handl
SETTING UP22Adding a control surface1. Open the Preferences dialog and select the Keyboards and Control Surfaces page.2. If your control surface is co
SETTING UP236. An image of the selected control surface model is shown, often along with some informa-tion text - read this carefully.For some control
SETTING UP24D Select one of the three “Other” options on the Model pop-up menu:In both cases, the options are:• MIDI Control KeyboardSelect this if yo
SETTING UP25Other functionsD To edit a surface, double click it in the list (or select it and click Edit).This lets you change its name and MIDI port
SETTING UP26• Built In - When this is selected, launching Reason will open a basic demo song. Selecting “New” from the File menu will open a template
Chapter3Guided Tour
GUIDED TOUR28About this ChapterThis chapter is a quick introduction to the basics in Reason, laid out as a “guided tour”, describing the dif-ferent ar
GUIDED TOUR29The BackIf you press [Tab] or select Toggle Rack Front/Rear on the Options menu, the rack will be “turned” to show you the back.Here, the
Table of Contents
GUIDED TOUR30The SequencerThe sequencer is located in the area below the rack. This is where you record and edit notes, controllers, device parameter
GUIDED TOUR31You can also view and edit the data events contained in the clips on a track - this is done in the Edit view. In the Edit view, data is a
GUIDED TOUR32The DevicesThe following devices are available in Reason:Reason Hardware InterfaceThis device handles Reason’s communication with your au
GUIDED TOUR33Mixer 14:2This is a mixer with fourteen stereo channels, four stereo effect sends and a basic two-band EQ section. By connecting the diff
GUIDED TOUR34Thor Polysonic SynthesizerThor is an advanced semi-modular polyphonic synthesizer based on various selected vintage synth de-signs. It fe
GUIDED TOUR35NN-19 Digital SamplerThe NN-19 allows you to sample and to load samples (Wave, AIFF, SoundFonts or REX files) and create multi-sample pat
GUIDED TOUR36Dr. Octo Rex Loop PlayerThe Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player plays REX files - audio files created in ReCycle, another Propellerhead Soft-ware pr
GUIDED TOUR37Kong Drum DesignerThe Kong Drum Designer is an advanced drum sound module with 16 drum sound channels. You can sample and/or load samples
GUIDED TOUR38• MClass EqualizerThis is a two-band fully parametric equalizer, with added high and low shelving bands and a low cut (rum-ble) filter. I
GUIDED TOUR39Scream 4 Sound Destruction UnitThis is an extremely versatile sound destruction device, featuring various kinds of distortion, signal war
TABLE OF CONTENTS4Installation 7Welcome! 8About the manuals 8What is in the Reason package? 9Requirements 9About the Audio Hardware 10About MIDI Inter
GUIDED TOUR40D-11 Foldback DistortionThe D-11 is a simple but highly effective distortion device, that can convert mellow synth sounds to screaming le
GUIDED TOUR41COMP-01 CompressorThis is a combined compressor and limiter. It will affect the dynamics of the sound, by boosting low levels and attenua
GUIDED TOUR42The Matrix Pattern SequencerThe Matrix is a stand-alone pattern sequencer, somewhat similar to a vintage analog sequencer. A Matrix patte
Chapter4Tutorial 1 - Playing a Song
TUTORIAL 1 - PLAYING A SONG44About this tutorialThis and the following chapters are written in tutorial form to introduce you to some of the basic ope
TUTORIAL 1 - PLAYING A SONG459. Near the top of the rack is a mixer device - make sure this is visible.You may need to scroll the view using the verti
TUTORIAL 1 - PLAYING A SONG4613. Raise the Aux send level knobs at the top of a mixer channel.Send 1 is connected to the delay, while send 2 goes to t
Chapter5Tutorial 2 - Playing devices and selecting sounds
TUTORIAL 2 - PLAYING DEVICES AND SELECTING SOUNDS48About this tutorialIn this second tutorial we will go through the following basics:• How to add a m
TUTORIAL 2 - PLAYING DEVICESAND SELECTING SOUNDS49q You can also customize what song should open when you select “New” from the File menu. This is des
TABLE OF CONTENTS5Tutorial 1 - Playing a Song 43About this tutorial 44Playing a Song 44Tutorial 2 - Playing devices and selecting sounds 47About this
TUTORIAL 2 - PLAYING DEVICES AND SELECTING SOUNDS50D In the sequencer, the synthesizer track is automatically selected (as you just created the device
TUTORIAL 2 - PLAYING DEVICESAND SELECTING SOUNDS51Selecting a patchPatches are loaded from the Patch browser. To select a patch, proceed as follows:1.
TUTORIAL 2 - PLAYING DEVICES AND SELECTING SOUNDS52Adding an effectNext, let’s add an effect to the synth device. Effects can be used in two basic way
TUTORIAL 2 - PLAYING DEVICESAND SELECTING SOUNDS53Now we will apply the same effect, but this time as a send effect:1. Delete the Unison device you ju
Chapter6Tutorial 3 - Creating a drum pattern
TUTORIAL 3 - CREATING A DRUM PATTERN56Creating a drum patternIn this tutorial we will describe how to create a drum pattern using the Redrum device. I
TUTORIAL 3 - CREATING A DRUMPATTERN57When you have selected a patch, you will note that a sample file name is displayed at the top of each drum sound
TUTORIAL 3 - CREATING A DRUM PATTERN588. Click on the first step button (marked 1).The button lights up, indicating a drum beat. You will now hear the
Chapter7Tutorial 4 - Recording a bass line
TABLE OF CONTENTS6Tutorial 6 - Adding an arpeggio 71About this tutorial 72Adding an arpeggio 72Automating a parameter 74Index 75
TUTORIAL 4 - RECORDING A BASS LINE60About this tutorialIn this tutorial we will go through the following basic procedures:• How to browse for a specif
TUTORIAL 4 - RECORDING A BASS LINE613. Double-click the “Bass” folder to open it.This folder contains 3 further sub-categories; Acoustic Bass, Electri
TUTORIAL 4 - RECORDING A BASS LINE62Recording notes in the sequencerNow let’s try adding a bass line to the Redrum pattern by recording notes in the s
TUTORIAL 4 - RECORDING A BASS LINE636. Click stop on the transport until the song position is at the start of the song (1.1.1. 0). The first time you
TUTORIAL 4 - RECORDING A BASS LINE64About tracks, clips, lanes and recording takesA Reason device can only have one track in the sequencer. A track ca
TUTORIAL 4 - RECORDING A BASS LINE65Using QuantizeYou can quantize your recorded notes to “tighten up” the performance. The Quantize pop-up menu is lo
TUTORIAL 4 - RECORDING A BASS LINE66Copying and pasting a clip in the sequencerSo now you have a four bar bass line contained in a clip in the sequenc
Chapter8Tutorial 5 - Adding a REX loop
TUTORIAL 5 - ADDING A REX LOOP68About this tutorial! The following tutorial continues from the previous tutorials.In this tutorial we shall cover the
TUTORIAL 5 - ADDING A REX LOOP694. Click the Browse Loop (folder) button on the Dr. Octo Rex Programmer panel to open the REX file browser.In the main
TUTORIAL 5 - ADDING A REX LOOP70Adjusting Dr. Octo Rex parametersYou can tweak the REX loops in various ways using the Dr. Octo Rex Programmer paramet
Chapter9Tutorial 6 - Adding an arpeggio
TUTORIAL 6 - ADDING AN ARPEGGIO72About this tutorialIn this last tutorial we shall cover the following basic operations:• How to create arpeggio patte
TUTORIAL 6 - ADDING AN ARPEGGIO735. Flip the rack back and play a few chords.The notes in the chord you play are now arpeggiated for as long as you ho
TUTORIAL 6 - ADDING AN ARPEGGIO74Automating a parameterAutomation is a big part of Reason. Any parameter change can be recorded and edited as automati
INDEX76AAdding devices 48Arpeggiator 72ASIO Driver 11, 19Audio Card Driver 19Audio Hardware 10Audio Output 19Automating parameters 74BBrowsing for sou
INSTALLATION8Welcome!Thank you for purchasing Reason!Ten years have passed since we released Reason to the world and you are holding the fifth major v
INSTALLATION9What is in the Reason package?When you purchase Reason, the package contains the following items:The Reason 5 installation DVDThis disc c
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