RADICAL PIANO10ReleaseD Set the time it should take for the sound to fade to silence once you release the keys.This simulates the behavior of the damp
RADICAL PIANO11AmbienceThe Ambience section features four different reverb types and a Level control. The reverb types are:• Small RoomThis simulates
RADICAL PIANO12Connections! Remember that CV connections will not be stored in the Radical Piano patch!Sequencer ControlThe Sequencer Control CV and G
RADICAL PIANO13Additional external controlThe Radical Piano responds to the following standard Performance Controllers:•Pitch BendRadical Piano respon
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Propellerhead Software AB. The
Radical Piano
RADICAL PIANO4IntroductionRadical Piano is a Propellerhead Rack Extension device designed to be a straightforward, awesome sounding and very flexible
RADICAL PIANO5The microphone configurationsThe microphone configurations for the grand pianos and the upright piano respectively.The pianos were recor
RADICAL PIANO6Using Radical PianoLoading and saving patchesLoading and saving patches is done in the same way as with any other internal Reason/Reason
RADICAL PIANO7VolumeThe master volume control for Radical Piano.Velocity ResponseMost sample-based piano instruments and sound libraries on the market
RADICAL PIANO8TuneCentD Set the overall master tune of your sound with the Cent knob.Range: +/-1 semitone (+/-100 cents).DriftThe Drift parameter can
RADICAL PIANO9ResonanceSympathetic resonance is a physical phenomenon that can occur in acoustic instruments, like in pianos for example. It means tha
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