Propellerhead Radical Keys Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Strona 2

RADICAL PIANO10ReleaseD Set the time it should take for the sound to fade to silence once you release the keys.This simulates the behavior of the damp

Strona 3 - Radical Piano

RADICAL PIANO11AmbienceThe Ambience section features four different reverb types and a Level control. The reverb types are:• Small RoomThis simulates

Strona 4 - Introduction

RADICAL PIANO12Connections! Remember that CV connections will not be stored in the Radical Piano patch!Sequencer ControlThe Sequencer Control CV and G

Strona 5 - The microphone configurations

RADICAL PIANO13Additional external controlThe Radical Piano responds to the following standard Performance Controllers:•Pitch BendRadical Piano respon

Strona 7 - Velocity Response

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Propellerhead Software AB. The

Strona 8

Radical Piano

Strona 9 - Envelope

RADICAL PIANO4IntroductionRadical Piano is a Propellerhead Rack Extension device designed to be a straightforward, awesome sounding and very flexible

Strona 10 - Mechanics

RADICAL PIANO5The microphone configurationsThe microphone configurations for the grand pianos and the upright piano respectively.The pianos were recor

Strona 11 - Ambience

RADICAL PIANO6Using Radical PianoLoading and saving patchesLoading and saving patches is done in the same way as with any other internal Reason/Reason

Strona 12 - Connections

RADICAL PIANO7VolumeThe master volume control for Radical Piano.Velocity ResponseMost sample-based piano instruments and sound libraries on the market

Strona 13 - Additional external control

RADICAL PIANO8TuneCentD Set the overall master tune of your sound with the Cent knob.Range: +/-1 semitone (+/-100 cents).DriftThe Drift parameter can

Strona 14

RADICAL PIANO9ResonanceSympathetic resonance is a physical phenomenon that can occur in acoustic instruments, like in pianos for example. It means tha

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