Propellerhead Pulsar Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Strona 2

PULSAR DUAL LFO10With the KBD Follow knob you can define how the LFO Rates should be modulated by incoming MIDI Note data. The KBD Follow parameter is

Strona 3 - Pulsar Dual LFO

PULSAR DUAL LFO11LFO 1&2 output sectionsCVThere are two CV signal outputs for each LFO, plus two additional outputs for the CV signal phase invert

Strona 4 - Panel parameters

PULSAR DUAL LFO12Tips and TricksPatch between LFO 1 and LFO 2 on the back for more flexibility• By connecting one LFO CV output to the Phase CV input

Strona 5 - Shuffle >50%

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Propellerhead Software AB. The

Strona 7 - Envelope

PULSAR DUAL LFO4IntroductionThe Pulsar Rack Extension device from Propellerhead is a very flexible and versatile dual LFO module. LFOs (Low Frequency

Strona 8

PULSAR DUAL LFO5LevelHere you set the output level of the LFO signal. The LFO 1 Level can be modulated by LFO 2, see “Level (LFO 2 to LFO 1 Level)”. T

Strona 9 - KBD Follow

PULSAR DUAL LFO6LagThe Lag control acts like a lowpass filter on the LFO signal, making the signal smoother. This is especially noticeable on waveform

Strona 10 - Modulation inputs and outputs

PULSAR DUAL LFO7Level (LFO 2 to LFO 1 Level)This controls the modulation amount from the LFO 2 signal level to LFO 1’s Level. The result is amplitude

Strona 11 - Envelope connections

PULSAR DUAL LFO8Rate (LFO 1 and 2 Envelope modulation)The Rate knobs control the modulation amount of the Rate parameters of LFO 1 and 2 respectively.

Strona 12 - Tips and Tricks

PULSAR DUAL LFO9Level (LFO 1 and 2 Envelope modulation)The Level knobs control the modulation amount of the Level parameters of LFO 1 and 2 respective

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