Propellerhead Polar Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Strona 2

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER10ParametersInput sectionOn/Off/BypassThis switch is located in the upper left corner of the device. The switch has three mode

Strona 3 - Polar Dual Pitch Shifter

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER11•SlowThis is best suited for polyphonic audio and complex sounds. “Slow” mode has the highest latency (typically around 96ms

Strona 4 - Introduction

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER12Delay Buffer sectionAll audio that is input to Polar passes via the Delay Buffer. The Delay Buffer can be used for setting t

Strona 5

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER13Lock (Buffer)With the Lock button switched on, you temporarily “freeze” the audio that is currently in the Delay Buffer, and

Strona 6 - Using Polar

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER14• The “Loop” and “Loop Reverse” pitch algorithms:By turning the Delay knob you can move the loop position within the Delay B

Strona 7

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER15The schematic illustration below shows the signal flow in the default “true stereo” mode and in the Sum L+R mode:The default

Strona 8

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER16LFOD Turn this knob if you want the pitch shift to be modulated by the LFO.The parameter is bipolar which means that you can

Strona 9 - Using the Delay Buffer

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER17On/OffD Press this button to switch on/off the Pitch Shifter 2 section.DelayThe Delay parameter delays the Pitch Shifter 2 s

Strona 10 - Parameters

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER18DelayD Set the delay time of the dry signal.By turning the Delay knob you manually apply latency to the dry signal. This is

Strona 11 - Reverse Loop

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER19The figure below shows the principle of an ADSR envelope, with the stages marked out:The different stages of an ADRS envelop

Strona 12 - Delay Buffer section

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Propellerhead Software AB. The

Strona 13 - Lock (Buffer)

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER20LFO sectionThe LFO can be used for modulating various parameters in Polar. Here you set the LFO parameters:RateSets the LFO

Strona 14 - 0.5 s 1.0 s 1.5 s

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER21Filter sectionThe Filter section comprises a multi-mode stereo filter with four different filter types:• Lowpass (LP)A 12 dB

Strona 15 - Feedback

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER22• Highpass (HP)A 12 dB Highpass filter with low and high Resonance settingsHighpass filters let high frequencies through and

Strona 16 - Auto (Pan)

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER23LP/BP/HP/CombD Select filter type by clicking the corresponding button.KbdWith the Kbd (Keyboard Track) knob you define if,

Strona 17 - Keyboard Input

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER24Connections! Remember that CV connections will not be stored in the Polar patch!Sequencer ControlThe Sequencer Control CV an

Strona 18 - Envelope section

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER25Modulation InputThese control voltage (CV) inputs (with associated trim pots) can modulate following parameters in Polar:Del

Strona 19


Strona 20 - LFO section

Polar Dual Pitch Shifter

Strona 21 - Filter section

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER4IntroductionThe Polar Rack Extension from Propellerheads is a dual pitch shifter unit. The concept of Polar is based on the c

Strona 22 - • Highpass (HP)

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER5Setting up for pitch processingThe examples below describe how to connect and use Polar in typical pitch processing situation

Strona 23 - LP/BP/HP/Comb

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER6Using PolarLoading and saving patchesLoading and saving patches is done in the same way as with any other internal Reason/Rea

Strona 24 - Connections

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER74. Turn the Shift and Fine knobs in the Pitch Shifter 1 section to detune the pitch:D If you want the original Dry signal to

Strona 25 - Additional external control

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER83. Turn the Shift and Fine knobs in the Pitch Shifter 2 section to detune the second pitch:Now, the input signal is detuned i

Strona 26

POLAR DUAL PITCH SHIFTER9Controlling the pitch shifting from a MIDI keyboardIf you want to control the pitch shift(s) from your connected MIDI keyboar

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